Within a Captain's Hold

Within a Captain's Hold by Lisa A. Olech

Book: Within a Captain's Hold by Lisa A. Olech Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa A. Olech
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was him.
    Maybe that was her answer. Him. Annalise paced some more, worrying her lower lip. She’d been praying for a solution, and perhaps one was staring her right in the face. Jaxon.
    What if she proposed a marriage of convenience to him? According to father’s solicitor, she, by virtue of being a woman, could never inherit the estate. The laws would hold the lands in abeyance until she married, and then all would pass to her husband. Would the payoff be prosperous enough to tempt a pirate? The stones in the ring sparkled at her. Would it make him reconsider her passage to Port St. Maria to reunite with Alice?
    If she were married, the threat from Wolfsan would disappear like sea mist. The duke couldn’t claim her if she were already claimed. He wouldn’t dare challenge a pirate.
    She’d be free to go back to England and live out her life in quiet solitude. Once Jaxon saw to her safe passage, he could take his prize, sail away, and never have to bother with her again. That part of the bargain would probably please him the most, given his obvious revulsion toward her. He admitted he wanted her. A thousand men would not have stopped me. Although, were the last few days a more accurate showing of his true feelings?
    Her father would turn over in his grave at the thought of a pirate assuming his title, but what choice did she have? Jaxon could be obstinate and boorish, but he was a good man underneath. Strong and responsible, and she glimpsed genuine kindness from him.
    Who knows, Father? He might make a fine lord.
    Tonight. She would ask him tonight. Even if she had to pace this floor all day and wear down the floorboards long into the night, she would. Annalise held her ring to her heart and prayed her father would forgive her.

    “If I weren’t a virgin…” “If I weren’t a virgin…” Those five torturous words followed one another in step with his boot heels as Jaxon paced his deck. For three long days and nights, he’d besieged himself with exactly what he would like to do to the fair Lady Annalise if she weren’t a virgin. He would start at the tips of her glorious hair and kiss all the way down to… Then he’d slide his hand between her soft… Run his tongue across the tip… Dammit all. Why didn’t he listen to his first inclination and throw her over the rail. Bloody hell. He’d be better off if he just stopped fighting his urges and threw himself overboard.
    Lord help him, when she stared at him with those tear-filled eyes, and pressed those petal-soft kisses to his throat, then whispered his name… He wasn’t made of stone. Although, he felt certain parts of him would never be soft and pliant again. Wouldn’t that be a fine legacy to leave upon the sea? Captain Jaxon Steele of the Scarlet Night with the scarlet… “Balls.” He pounded his fist on the rail and gave a bitter laugh.
    “Are ye well, Capt’n?”
    Jaxon spun. “Robbins.” He laughed again. “Fancy you asking me that. I’m standing here wondering the same thing.” He leaned toward the lad and lowered his voice. “I should be asking you. You’ve been feeling poorly of late.”
    “I be feelin’ a mite better. ’Hap we both got cups dipped from a barrel of bitter rum.”
    “Bitter rum.” He nodded. “That could explain it. I’ll see the rum checked from now on. It won’t do having two fine seamen such as ourselves toppled by such a thing.”
    “Nay, Capt’n.”
    Jaxon thumped the boy on his shoulder. “Off with ye.”
    He considered the lad as the boy left him and headed toward the bow.
    “Robbins?” Jaxon stopped him. “When we make port, I owe you a taste of fine, sweet rum. I’ll see to it there’s an extra eight in your wages.”
    A smile graced the lad’s grubby face. “Thank ye, sir.”
    Jaxon waved him off again.
    “What Robbins thankin’ ye for?” Cookie limped up.
    “A bit of sanity.” Jaxon shifted his gaze toward the sea.
    Cookie rubbed at his nose, hiding a smirk. “At

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