Withholding Secrets

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Book: Withholding Secrets by Diana Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Fisher
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would be. Lately, I was missing her more and more every day. Sometimes, I just stared at her picture in my bedroom, wanting to hear her voice telling me that I was doing the right thing for these kids.
    Sky said something, but the growl came from Jordan a lot louder as he slammed his hand down on the top of his notebook. “Her mother isn’t even coming around because even she knows this is a mistake. She’s not going to keep us. Stop dreaming and do your damn homework!”
    My heart was heavy in my chest as I rubbed my eyes. The hot and salty waters were swelling up in my eyes, blurring my vison. But what would crying do? I would still have the stress along with a pounding headache. In all the years that my mom struggled, I had never seen anything expect for a strong and beautiful, proud woman. Everyone always said that I had taken after her. Maybe it wasn’t just the looks. Maybe I had her strength, too. I had to be strong and proud, and for them, that was what I was going to be.
    “Why don’t you think that she’s called her then? She doesn’t want us, Sky.” He cursed as he slammed his book closed and started to shove all his items back into his bag.
    Sky’s bottle of hurt finally overfilled and the cries bellowed out. “Because her mom’s dead, that’s why, Jordan. God. Sometimes I really hate you! You are going to ruin this for us! I like her! Don’t you see that she’s doing everything that she can—?”
    “She called them to take us! They are going to come and get us any day now!”
    “No. She didn’t! She called to get you on the team! She didn’t call to send us away! You are just going to ruin this!” Her chair was pushed across the floor, and I could hear her feet pounding around to the staircase, up to her room, and the door closing hard.
    Walking out of the laundry room, my chest tightened as I saw his head in his hands and his elbows on the table. A curse poured through his lips as his jaw tightened and the few tear drops plunked onto the tabletop.
    I pulled the twenty out of my pocket and put it on the counter by my phone. I always left my phone on the counter for us all to use. It was the only phone we had, and I wanted them to be able to call friends if needed or wanted until things got a little better for us. “Here’s some money to order pizza. Go ahead and call when you want. It’s…” I pulled back my tears as the lump filled my throat. What in the hell was I doing with these two? They were better off with two people that could provide for them better than I could. “It’s Friday night, so it will take a little longer to get here.”
    He didn’t move and didn’t say a word. His hunter green shirt hung from his slumped shoulders as he just sat there, not even wanting to look at me.
    I went upstairs to the small room and knocked on the door. Listening to the muffled cries urged my knee joints to shrivel up and shake.
    “Go away, Jordan! I don’t want to talk to you! All you’re going to do is ruin this, and I don’t want to go away! I like it here!” Her sorrow began to eat up her words and they tapered off into a strong, yet breathless cry.
    er sorrow began to eart away
    “It’s me, Sky. Can I come in?” The tears were filling in my eyes as I slowly opened the door and looked around. This was no bedroom for a girl. Her clothing was neatly folded on some crates that she emptied and used to keep what she did have neat.
    My chest closed in to the point where my lungs were depleting oxygen. What could I say? I didn’t want my life brought onto those kids. My life was the past, and this was the present. I couldn’t change what happened with Joe, but I could learn from it and grow and try to give these kids something they needed. “He’s scared, Sky. He’s scared just like you are. He’s scared just like I am.”
    “You’re not scared. You’re so … strong.”
    “I’m scared to death.” Taking a seat on the edge of the twin mattress, my legs were scrunched and the

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