With Wings I Soar

With Wings I Soar by Norah Simone Page B

Book: With Wings I Soar by Norah Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norah Simone
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Texas, but she didn't want to ruin Katie's buzz. Katie had been so sad for so long that it seemed cruel to say anything that might ruin her happiness.
    “Well, what are you waiting for? Eat!”
    The two girls sat on the matching bar stools that lined the counter. The stools swiveled around and Tabitha found it difficult to eat without playing with her chair. She kept her head and torso straight but kept swiveling the rest of her body from side to side. Finally, Katie grew tired of this game and gave Tabitha a gentle kick.
    “Calm down!” She laughed. “Eat some eggs.”
    Tabitha ate and ate and ate. She ate until her stretchy pajama pants began to feel tight and her stomach hurt.
    “Ooooh,” she groaned, clutching her stomach. “That last strip of bacon was a bad idea.”
    Katie laughed. “You should go lay on the couch,” she advised. “I'll clean up the kitchen and start the dishes.”
    Obediently, Tabitha marched into the living room and fell lazily onto the couch. She sprawled out, taking up every couch cushion and allowing herself to sink into the soft sofa. Katie's dad had bought this couch the last time he came home for a visit, and everyone loved it. The family's previous couch had been falling apart but Katie's mom, always good at budgeting and making money stretch, didn't want to spend the money for a new one. Captain Miller had surprised everyone by purchasing such a nice luxury couch during his short reprieve and even now, months later, the couch still felt brand new.
    Katie entered the living room and set two glasses of milk on the coffee table in front of Tabitha.
    “Drink up! It'll make you strong.”
    Tabitha sat up to sip her drink while Katie ran upstairs to grab her books. Tabitha knew they would probably be working for several hours. While the girls were only studying a few of the same subjects, they were both comfortable spending time together while working on individual projects. Tabitha felt it was nice to have someone around when she studied because it helped her stay focused. When she studied on her own, it was easy to get distracted and turn on the TV or pick up a random book to browse through.
    Katie was a great person to seek study advice and tips from because she often spent time reading about new and effective ways to study. Katie had flash cards for every subject she had ever studied and reviewed her cards regularly. Sometimes she even went over flashcards from classes that she had already finished as a way to stay fresh and up to date on the subject. While Tabitha felt it was a little extreme and uptight, Katie did have some of the best scores at the school.
    Katie returned quickly and tossed her books and notebook on the floor. She sprawled out on her stomach and opened up a notebook while Tabitha did the same on the couch. Quietly, the girls reviewed their notes from class and markings they had made noting important passages in their textbooks. Despite the tasty breakfast, Tabitha found it difficult to focus on studying. While grateful for Katie's company, Tabitha had so many thoughts bouncing around her head that she just couldn't sort them. Finally, she decided to give up on chemistry for awhile and instead pour her thoughts and emotions into her journal in an attempt to rid herself of the burden she carried.
    Tabitha grabbed a pen from her bag and began to write.
                  Journal, I feel like it's been forever since I had a chance to just write. Everything I do now is decided ahead of time. Apparently, even what I'll wear is no longer my decision. Mom picked out these clothes for me to wear to the custody hearing and I'm going to look like an uptight snob. I guess that's the goal, but it sucks. I'd rather just wear a skirt and a hooded sweatshirt and my sneakers. But “being true to yourself” is only real in the movies, I guess. In real life, the only thing people care about is professionalism and...well, I don't even know. I don't even really care,

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