Witches: The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem
University of Virginia, 2002/2006. http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/saxon-salem/servlet/SaxonServlet?source=salem/texts/bios.xml&style=salem/xsl/dynaxml.xsl&chunk.id=b35&clear-stylesheet-cache=yes
    Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft: With an Account of Salem Village and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects . 2 vols. Boston: Frederick Ungar, 1867. Available online at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/17845/17845-h/salemcontents.html
    Warren, Charles. History of the Harvard Law School and of Early Legal Conditions in America . Vol. 3. New York: Lewis Publishing Co., 1908.
    Woodward, William Elliot. Records of Salem Witchcraft: Copied from the Original Documents . 2 vols. Roxbury, MA: W. Elliot Woodward, 1865. Available online at http://history.hanover.edu/texts/salem/gburroughs.html

    Boldface indicates illustrations.
    overview of victims
    Baron, Benjamin
    Bibber, Goodie
    Bishop, Bridget
    Brattle, Thomas
    Burroughs, George
    accusations against
    life of
    removal of charges
    testimony against
    Calef, Robert
    Carrier, Martha
    Cheevers, Ezekiel
    Churchill, Sarah
    Cloyse, Sarah
    Confessions, recanted
    Corwin, George
    Corwin, Jonathan
    Cory, Giles
    Cory, Martha
    Court of Oyer and Terminer
    DeRich, Mary
    Dogs, accused
    Dustin, Lydia
    Easty, Mary
    English, Mary
    English, Philip
    Gedney, Bartholomew
    Glover, Goody
    Godman, Elizabeth
    Good, Dorcas
    Good, Sarah
    accusations against
    begging from Parris
    in jail
    Gospel Women
    Green, Joseph
    Griggs, William
    Hale, John
    Hathorn, John
    How, Elizabeth
    Hubbard, Elizabeth
    Invisible World
    see also Spectral evidence
    Jacobs, George, Sr.
    Jacobs, Margaret
    Jail conditions & fees
    John Indian
    Jones, Margaret
    Keney, Henry
    Lacy, Mary, Jr.
    Lewis, Mercy
    Martin, Susanna
    Mather, Cotton
    Mather, Increase
    Motivation for accusations
    Natural World
    Noyes, Nicholas
    Nurse, Francis
    Nurse, Rebecca
    Nurse, Sarah
    Osborn, Sarah
    Parker, Alice
    Parker, Mary
    Parris, Betty
    accusations by
    after the trials
    at the trials
    Parris, Elizabeth
    Parris, Samuel (Reverend)
    after the trials
    anger about black magic
    attending lecture
    church services
    fits as sign from God
    forced to leave Salem
    restitution offer
    and Tituba
    unpaid salary
    Parris, Susannah
    Parris, Thomas
    Partridge, Jonathan
    Phips, William
    Pope, Mrs.
    Porter family
    Proctor, Elizabeth
    Proctor, John
    Proctor, William
    Pudeator, Ann
    Putnam, Ann, Jr.
    accusations by
    after the trials
    apology for accusations
    at the trials
    Putnam, Ann, Sr.
    Putnam, Edward
    Putnam, Thomas
    Putnam family
    Redd, Wilmott
    Richards, John
    Ruck, Thomas
    Saltonstall, Nathaniel
    Scott, Margaret
    Sergeant, Peter
    Sewall, Samuel
    Sewall, Stephen
    Sheldon, Susanna
    Sibley, Mary
    Spectral evidence
    Stoughton, William
    Tituba (slave)
    Toothaker, Mary
    Walcott, Mary
    Wardwell, Samuel
    Warren, Mary
    Watkins, Mary
    Wildes, Sarah
    Willard, John
    Willard, Samuel
    Williams, Abigail
    accusations by
    after the trials
    at the trials
    Winthrop, Wait-Still
    Wonn (slave)

    As I sifted through volume after volume of research for this story, I was astonished by the vivid imagery that leapt from the pages of each and every trial transcript, letter, book, sermon, list of confiscated property, and other pieces of original source material related to the Salem Witch Trials. By sprinkling quotations from these writings throughout my book, I hope to transport readers back through time, to evoke the sense of horror and dread and wonder that made Puritan witch hunters and their victims pen their terrible words. But 400 years is a long time, and a living language like English has a way of shifting shape through the ages. So in order to clarify the quoted material for modern readers while still retaining its tone, I

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