Wishing for Someday Soon
person, stainless steel appliances, marble countertops and an oversized fireplace. It had to be any cook's dream kitchen.
    “Hey, Katelyn,” Rebecca, Alicia and Shirley said in unison, rushing to our side.
    I smiled at them, relieved by their warm welcome.
    Looking around, I saw a few other students from class, including Courtney and her boyfriend, Chad, who was a junior. Three of the kids I didn’t recognize, so I assumed they were also juniors like Chad. Doing a quick head count, I saw there were sixteen of us in all. The kitchen was so large that our group didn’t seem nearly as big as it would have under normal circumstances.
    “Everybody load up and let's head downstairs for the first movie,” Clint said loudly, trying to organize our group.
    I moved in line behind Max as everyone made their way through the buffet-style setup. I usually hated loading up a plate of food in front of other people, but it all smelled heavenly and I couldn’t resist putting a little of everything on my plate. Max grabbed two cans of soda and stuck them in his jacket pockets while I grabbed napkins and silverware in my free hand.
    Max led me through a doorway right off the kitchen that held a staircase leading to a lower level. I followed behind, marveling at the plush carpet that cushioned each step I took. Finally reaching the last step, I nearly laughed out loud when I realized Max had suckered me on our bet. A television almost as tall as our trailer lined the far wall of the dimly lit room. The movie magic continued with two rows of eight leather reclining chairs each. An old-fashioned popcorn machine sat along the back wall along with a soda machine and a cabinet holding every movie candy imaginable.
    “I think I've been hustled,” I mumbled to Max as we settled into the first row of seats.
    “Just stacked the odds in my favor,” Max said out of the corner of his mouth before winking at me.
    Feeling flustered by his attention, I looked down at my plate as everyone else piled into the room. Clint used one remote to turn on the TV and another to control the lights. Sound came at us from all sides thanks to the several speakers that lined the wall.
    “Wow, this is just like a theater,” I said as the opening credits flashed across the screen.
    “Told ya,” Max said, smirking at me knowingly.
    “Okay, you win,” I conceded.
    The rest of the night was a blast as we watched two blockbuster movies I had been dying to see. Before the second movie, Clint made popcorn for everyone and passed out candy. I hadn't had this much fun in a long time and by the time Max pulled up in front of my trailer at the end of the evening, I felt drunkenly happy.
    I shivered in the cold as he helped me down out of the vehicle.
    “Sheesh, it gets cold here,” I complained as I stomped my feet, trying to warm them.
    “You get used to it,” Max laughed, rubbing his hands vigorously up my arms to help warm me.
    “I had a great time tonight,” I said facing him.
    “So did I,” he said, leaning in just as the trailer door burst open behind me.
    Max jumped back like he had been scalded. “Hello, Mrs. Richards,” he said politely to my mom as she took a long draw on her cigarette.
    I backed up from Max and headed for the steps before Lucinda could say anything. “Thanks again,” I told Max, using my body to block Lucinda as much as possible.
    “Um, okay, I’ll see you at school on Monday,” Max said, looking at me strangely.

Chapter 7

    I was glad I had kept the goodbyes abrupt since I discovered Lucinda was picking for a fight as soon as I closed the trailer door. A pissy mood was to be expected, given the fact she was left to take care of her own needs for one night. She gave me the full verbal assault, calling me every name imaginable until I was finally able to escape and retire to my room. At least the attack wasn't physical. I had once heard someone say that verbal abuse was worse than physical abuse, which is a bunch of crap. I would

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