Wings of Tavea
    Emane’s face softened, his eyes closing. “Kiora, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
    “No, its ok,” she said. “You are used to people respecting you because of who you are. Nobody got to know you before they bowed. It is hard for you to have to prove yourself, I understand.”
    His waves of anger lessened in intensity. Going to her, Emane pulled her up and into his chest. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten so angry.”
    “You have a right to be angry. He does treat you horribly.” Kiora leaned her head against him. “I am sure Alcander will come around though. He will see who you are. Everybody else has.”
    Emane placed one finger gently under Kiora’s chin. Leaning down he kissed her lightly on the lips. She trembled. His kisses were better than magic. He kissed her harder this time, pulling her into him, and her magic roared in response. Ever since the change she could not feel pleasure, at least not the kind she felt while kissing him, and keep her magic under control at the same time. Wrapping her hands around the back of his head she kissed him back, fiercely pushing at the rising magic. But when his lips began moving down her neck, her focus was torn between her magic and the softness of his lips brushing against her skin.
    “Emane, stop, I can’t hold it,” Kiora gasped.
    He moaned in frustration and kissed her neck one more time. It was one time too many. The bubble of magic rising within her exploded out of control. It picked Emane up and sent him flying across the room. He slammed into the wall. The wall shook under the impact. Emane fell to the ground, limp.
    “Emane!” Kiora ran over to him, sliding across the floor. “Emane!” she cried, lifting his head into her lap. “I’m sorry. I am so sorry!” Running her fingers through his hair she whimpered, “Please wake up, please.” Tears began rolling down her cheeks. He was breathing, but unconscious. Kiora yelled out the open door. “Drustan! Help!” Leaning down over Emane she kissed him on the forehead. “Please wake up, Emane, please.”
    A shadow blocked the door like a dark cloud. “What happened?” a voice demanded.
    Kiora looked up, startled. “Alcander.”
    Alcander evaluated the situation, his eyes sliding over Emane. “What happened?” he repeated.
    “It was me,” Kiora said, wiping at her face. “It was an accident. Please, can you help him?”
    “I can’t. I will get someone who can.” Alcander quickly walked out.
    Within a few minutes Lomay hobbled into the room. “What happened?”
    “It was an accident,” Kiora said. “I hit him with magic. I didn’t mean to.”
    Lomay’s eyebrows rose. “Interesting accident.” Crouching slowly beside her, Lomay felt Emane’s neck for his pulse. “He is just unconscious.” Lomay looked up at Kiora. “I could bring him out of it, but he might be enjoying the rest.”
    “Please, wake him up. I have to make sure he’s all right.”
    “Would you like to tell me what happened?”
    She glanced at Alcander, who had followed Lomay back. He was looking at her with an odd expression on his face.
    “No, not right now.”
    “I see. Perhaps later then.” Kiora could have sworn she saw a smile play at the edge of Lomay’s mouth. “Very well, if you are sure.” Lomay touched Emane’s forehead. Blinking, Emane looked up.
    “Welcome back,” Lomay said, before winking at Kiora. Groaning, Lomay pushed himself to his feet. “See you at dinner,” he said cheerfully as he hobbled out of the room. Alcander turned, silently following Lomay out the door.
    Emane moaned and rubbed his head. “What happened?”
    “I’m sorry.” Kiora said, gently pushing his hair back off his forehead. “I lost control of my magic. When you kiss me . . . I lose control.”
    “Why am I so cursed?” Emane moaned.
    “I know, I’m sorry. You can’t even kiss me!”
    “No, it’s not that. Well, partially that,” he amended. “But why was I cursed to be such a unbelievable

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