loved the feel of water over his body. What a wonderful place this was, to have such
    luxury. Water was scarce and carefully used in his country, and one did not have showers, only
    quick sit baths with an inch or so of water. This was sheerest heaven.
    He turned to thank his master for letting him outside, but the words froze in his throat, and
    he felt his pulse quicken at the sight before him.
    Nude and wet, Vanyae came toward him with the tread of a predator and eyes that
    mirrored that, dark with lust.
    Anyar took a deep breath, unable to help admiring the prince. He was as beautiful as any
    statue, broad shouldered, narrow hipped, skin pale as marble. His hair hung down his back,
    wetting to a beautiful, rich gold, his wings gradually darkening with moisture. The water ran
    down his form, lovingly caressing every inch of muscle and bone, and Anyar found himself
    wanting to taste.
    He took a step forward, looking into Vanyae's eyes for permission before sliding to his
    knees and immediately reaching for that beautiful, big shaft. He licked at it for a moment, one
    hand tightening around the prince's thigh as Vanyae jerked at the sensation, a low, growling
    moan issuing from his lips. For once Anyar felt proud of his training as he licked and nibbled his
    way up the hard flesh, felt it throb and jerk under his ministrations.
    Eager for the sweetness within, he dipped his tongue into the slit and suckled there for a
    moment, feeling his master tremble, his breath hard and erratic.
    He let his lips encircle the head, tongue lapping the tender flesh, then suddenly swallowed
    the length almost to its entirety.
    Vanyae gave a sharp cry, his hips flexing involuntarily. That his little slave was doing this
    willingly, even eagerly, was the most erotic thing he could imagine, and he had to fight against
    coming right then and there. Not yet. There was so much more he wanted to do to the younger
    man. Gently, so as to not hurt his healing injuries, but gods, he could wait no longer!
    When he could take no more, he reluctantly pulled Anyar from his knees and up to stand
    against him. With hands shaking with eagerness and anticipation, he worked to remove the
    sodden clothing, to reveal the golden skin beneath, so different from his own paleness. He drew
    Anyar to him, taking the other man's lips in a passionate kiss, using his tongue to taste every

    J. C. Owens

    nuance within. Anyar put his hands tentatively on the prince's shoulders, then more firmly as
    emotion and senses took over, drowning out thoughts and fears.
    Vanyae's hand stroked down the leanly muscled back, coming to tease the entrance to
    Anyar's body, feeling the coolness of the rain against the heat of that secret place.
    He brought the fingers back up, presenting them to his little slave, who took them into his
    mouth eagerly, wetting them copiously.
    The slick fingers then slid easily within the heat and softness of Anyar's body, and he
    arched at the pleasure/pain, a choked cry escaping into his master's mouth.
    Vanyae drank in the sound, groaning at the feel of Anyar writhing against him, the
    tightness of his portal, and the knowledge that soon he would be within that heat, possessing,
    reclaiming what was his.
    He broke the kiss reluctantly, smiling a little as he drew his fingers free and Anyar
    protested with a whimper of need. Pulling the smaller man after him, he approached a marble
    bench surrounded by the softness of grass. Here, he arranged Anyar on his knees, bent over the
    coolness of stone, the younger man's fingers gripping the ornate edges in preparation for his
    master's force. His black wings spread out over the white marble, and Vanyae stroked them,
    leaned down to kiss the feathers.
    But here, Vanyae broke with tradition. When he knelt behind Anyar, he took his time
    kissing and stroking the wet body before him, bringing his little slave to a fever pitch of need.
    Each touch was an affirmation that Anyar was alive, that he was

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