Winged Raiders of the Desert

Winged Raiders of the Desert by Gilbert L. Morris Page A

Book: Winged Raiders of the Desert by Gilbert L. Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert L. Morris
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said defiantly, “even if I have to go alone.”
    â€œWait!” Josh said. He stood hesitantly, then added, “We'll have a meeting. I can't decide this by myself.”
    â€œGood, but it must be fast. There's no time to waste.”
    Josh left Swiftwind and called the group together. He led them to an open spot in the desert where no one could possibly overhear, and he set Swiftwind's proposition before them. He ended his story by saying slowly, “I just don't know whether it's the right thing to do or not. It sounds good, but if something goes wrong, it could be bad.”
    A debate started at once. Reb Jackson, as Josh had guessed, was all in favor of going, but Abigail and Sarah were not so sure.
    Sarah said slowly, “I wish Goél were here to tell us what to do. It's awful just having to guess like this. Maybe we'd better wait. He may come at any time.”
    Reb shook his head, saying loudly, “Why, shoot, if we wait around, we'll never get anything done. This is our chance, and we better take it.”
    Dave slowly nodded his head. “I think I agree with Reb. It looks like just the thing to win the confidence of the people.”
    The debate went on for some time. For some reason, the plan did not sit well with Jake. He said, “I know we need to do something, but I'm not sure this is it. Swiftwind is too impulsive. We don't know anything about those Shadow Wings. And neither does he, except that he hates them.”
    â€œHe really does,” Sarah said, “and that's bad. We've got to convince him and these other people somehow that hatred won't do.”
    â€œWell, we've got our hands full, but I think I'll vote for going,” Wash said.
    â€œWell, then,” Josh spoke up, “I guess that's the majority. I'll go tell Swiftwind, and I guess we'd better get ready to go. He's really anxious.”
    * * *
    The sky was still dark, although dawn was beginning to glimmer in the east as the Sleepers glided through the cool air. They were led by Swiftwind and Jalor, who had brought them in a roundabout way to the camp of the Shadow Wings.
    â€œThere is the camp below,” Jalor cried out. He gestured toward the earth and even in the dim murkiness Josh could see small glowing fires.
    â€œLet's go!” Swiftwind cried out.
    Jalor said quickly, “We've gone over the plan. I'll stay up here as a sentinel. When you get the crown, fly back. If anyone follows, I'll fight a rearguard action myself.”
    â€œRight!” Swiftwind cried. Then he turned to the others. “Come now!” He folded his wings and descended in a swift dive, falling almost like a stone.
    Josh and the others had not learned that trick, but they followed as well as they could. They landed on a space outside the camp and gathered around Swiftwind.
    â€œNow, you know the plan,” he said. “We'll have to take a roundabout way to come in from the back.” He held up the map. “The crown is in a cave—right here.”
    â€œIs it guarded?” Josh asked cautiously.
    â€œOnly by one guard, and I'll take care of him.” Swiftwind nodded confidently. “Come! We need to be out before the camp awakes.”
    The Sleepers followed in single file, and soon they found themselves standing beside a large outcropping of rock. Far to the right was a dark hole in the rock, and Swiftwind said, “That's where the crown is.” His eyes glowed with excitement. “See! There's the one guard. I'll take care of him, pop in, get the crown, and then I'll be right back.”
    â€œNo, we'll all go with you,” Reb said. “You take care of the guard. There might be more inside.”
    â€œAll right.” Swiftwind agreed.
    The plan went just right. Swiftwind crept silently up beside the guard and leaped on him. The guard never knew what hit him. There was a short, fierce struggle. Soon the guard lay trussed up with pieces of rope, bound and gagged.

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