Windows in Time

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Book: Windows in Time by john thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: john thompson
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many questions that Jonathan had. He told Seth that he could take a break and go get a snack at the cafeteria.
    "I'll be back in fifteen," Seth said.
    Once Seth had left, Mr. Yu smiled at Jonathan. "I'll tell you what I can, then I'll give you the chance to ask a couple questions. You have been brought into the year 2050. Seth, has been here a week. You saw that we put a duplicate in your time, well one was sent back to his time. That was an artificial life, that they wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Now you are here for a reason. We didn't just bring you here for a vacation. In the years after you come from there were a lot of 'conscious' laws that were passed. It allowed for discrimination against gays and lesbians. That was within 10 years of where you are from. Now it has gotten so bad we have gone underground. This community itself is about a half mile under the surface."
    "How do you get oxygen and things like food?"
    "We have oxygen that is filtered from vents that go to the surface. As for food, we grow our own on the 10 th level down. This isn't just a few people. It is a society that was created in secret. We have had a group of select scientists that have been working for years on the problem of time travel. When we had it perfected, we created a plan."
    The plan was easy. They would bring two boys from the past to the future, show them what happened and have them work towards changing the future.
    "You and Seth are the two we choose for this mission."
    "Him I could understand. He was murdered in 1943. Why would you choose me? And what does he think about what you are trying to do. I read the diary he wrote, and i didn't get any sense that he was interested in other boys."
    "First, you were chosen because five days after you had the broken leg you would get an infection and die."
    "Don't worry, the duplicate will not die. And you are very much alive. We chose you because I know you have a thing for Seth."
    "Seth's been dead for decades. Well you know what I mean."
    "In the other time line. Now we chose Seth because he is a survivor. Even those he was murdered in the first time line, his story lived on well into the future. By the way, he knows you have a crush. It's okay with him."
    Jonathan had never admitted it to anyone, but he did like Seth. He knew that he would never see him, but he liked him. Now he would have to deal with the fact that the boy of his dreams was going to get to know him.
    "Just what is it that you will have us to do?"
    "You're going to be sent back in time to see if you two can get along in the lives you will live. You both will know who you are, but you won't talk about it to each other. If this is going to work, you have to totally become your new life. Then after you pass the test, I'll tell you what we need of you."
    "No. I want to know now."
    "Basically, you two are going to prevent the laws that allow gays and lesbians to be hunted. The group of us went underground when there were family members and people we loved that were murdered. You think the middle east treated gays poorly, well in 2050 it is just as bad here in the USA."
    "But Seth and I are only 2 people. How can just the two of us do anything?"
    Jonathan didn't think they could make that much of a change, but Mr. Yu had faith in him.
    "He can tell you about that. He's been here training for a week. He had a lot of years to catch up on since he came from so far back."
    "I noticed he speaks English quite well. That is impossible in such a short time."
    "We have tech that taught it to him within hours. We could help you too, except you don't have as much time here as he did. Now, let me take you to the cafeteria. Seth and you need to get to know each other before the little mission you are going to have tomorrow."
    In the cafeteria Jonathan got a slice of pizza out of what honestly looked to him like a replicator. The

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