Windows in Time

Windows in Time by john thompson Page A

Book: Windows in Time by john thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: john thompson
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in the diary that became a book, and there was a picture on the front cover that someone had discovered after the war. Jonathan felt the other boy was the most handsome boy he had ever seen.
    When he read the words in the book, he felt his heart race. It was weird that he wished he knew a boy that died so long ago. He hadn't felt that way about someone since the sixth grade. That had not turned out so well.
    Jonathan was starting to feel tired again, because there was pain medicine that was flowing through his body. He was about to fall asleep, when someone that could not possibly be there, appeared out of thin air. It was as if he walked through a window. There was a slight glow and he walked into the room out of nowhere.
    He knew the face when he saw the other boy. It was impossible, but he felt there was only one thing that could have happened.
    "I must be dead. Your an angel so I must be dead."
    "I'm not an angel. I'm just plain ordinary Seth. I know that you are aware of who I was. Now, I'm here to give you a chance to come with me."
    "Where are you going to?"
    "The future. It is now or never though. Do you want to see your future?"
    "In case you haven't noticed, I'm in a cast now. I can't walk."
    "If you agree to go with me, I'll take care of that problem."
    "I still think that I'm dead or dreaming, but I'll go with you."
    Jonathan knew he would go with the other boy the moment he saw him. If there was any chance this wasn't a dream, but really him, Jonathan would be fulfilling a dream he had.
    "Now that is settled, I need to get something from the future." He said as he spoke into a watch that he was wearing. "Okay send the duplicate," he said and waited.
    A moment later the same glow happened and Jonathan watched someone that looked exactly like himself appear close to Seth.
    "Get him up out of the bed," the other boy said. "I need to take his place."
    "You're me!"
    "I'm a duplicate. I'm a person from the future that has come back to replace you while you're in the future. If you stay there, I'll live your life here."
    Seth pulled out a small device from his bag. He turned on what looked like a device that reminded Jonathan of an old Star Wreck medical device. He felt the bones under his cast mending. In seconds he was healed.
    "That is an amazing device. They could use that in 2015."
    "No tech can remain back here that is from the future. Now get up and lets go. Put your hand on my shoulder."
    The real Jonathan got out of the bed and knew that he didn't need the cast any longer. His duplicate, who even sounded like him, got into bed.
    Seth pressed a return button on his watch and the time window that had brought him to the past opened up the other way. Both Seth and Jonathan disappeared.

Chapter Two:
    Jonathan and Seth appeared in an office. Seth pressed a button on an intercom, and then helped Jonathan to a couch that was by one of the walls. It looked like a small office, and even though there wasn't much in the office he got the thought that it belonged to someone important.
    A minute later two men walked into the office. The first was Mr. Yu, who was the leader of the complex. He would tell Jonathan what he wanted to know, but only after the doctor took a look at him.
    "Hi Jonathan, I'm Mike. I'm the doctor here in this community. I brought this to take care of your cast."
    The device clamped onto the cast. It made the material disappear, while leaving the skin intact.
    A minute later the cast was gone and Jonathan saw a clean leg in perfect condition.
    "Now I just need to find some new clothes," Jonathan said. In the future he figured the styles had changed.
    "I can help with that. We have all that we could ever want in the room where we will sleep tonight," the other boy said.
    The doctor looked Jonathan over and said he looked to be in perfect health. Then he left  so Mr. Yu could answer the

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