Willow Grove Abbey
if Doctor Stanton lost his medical license, and was unable to practice his trade. I imagine there are scores of women walking the streets of London, who for a few Pounds’ Sterling, would swear an oath that Doctor Stanton helped them end a pregnancy. Such an illegal act would not only result in the loss of medical privileges, it would result in a prison term.” With that, she turned and ascended the staircase to her bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.
    I knew that I had been defeated. My mother was not just mouthing words. Indeed, she would be very happy to find some way to ruin Spence’s reputation as a physician. She had enough money and was malicious enough. She didn’t see herself as heartless and cruel. In her mind, she was saving me from making a terrible mistake. I was angrier than I ever recall being. I couldn’t remember ever having felt such rage. Perhaps a lifetime of suppressed emotion over so many similar tirades burst forth. Still weeping, I began to shout. “Papa, you wouldn’t do such a thing, would you? Spence is a good person. Please, please don’t make him pay a price for loving me.”
    Papa stood silently, not meeting my eyes. He looked helpless. It was clear that Mummy had his full support, and that I would do my mother’s bidding or risk seeing Spence ruined. Mummy had accomplished her goal. I whirled toward my father, and through clenched teeth spoke words I had never believed possible. “You have never stood up for me in your life. Everyone thinks you are such a wonderful person. Well, you are not. You allow Mummy to belittle me, and you do it yourself. Especially if you think it will win her approval. You aren’t half the man that Spence is. I even understand why you take her side. You are just like your children. You want her approval so terribly much, you will do anything or say anything to agree with her. It is sick , Papa. I’m ashamed that you are my father. You have hurt me dreadfully, all of my life. There is something terribly, terribly wrong in this entire family. All either you or Mummy cares about are appearances. If people really knew the truth about this family, we wouldn’t be welcomed into any house in the land. I do not want to be a part of this family anymore. As far as I’m concerned, I hope I never set foot in this house again. Now, please just leave me alone,” I cried. “I’m going to do exactly as Mummy ordered. I’m leaving the Somerville family. You and Mummy seem Hell bent on destroying me, and certainly Spence.”
    With that, I turned and raced up the stairway to my bedchamber, and began to throw clothing back into my case. Unbeknownst to me, there was much worse to come. Mummy had been listening to every word I’d shouted at my father. She rushed out of her room from across the hallway, and into my bedchamber. She held a pair of scissors. Grabbing a handful of the clothing that I was re-packing, she began cutting it into shreds. “If you are leaving the Somerville family, you can begin by not taking any of the expensive apparel we have provided for you, in an attempt to improve your exceedingly average appearance ,” she screamed hysterically. Her voice was growing hoarse from shrieking. I was transfixed by the spectacle of my mother shredding, cutting, and ripping. After she had finished her demolition, she threw down the scissors, and ran back to her own room.
    There was utter silence in the house. I knew that my father would soon be desperately trying to bring Mummy to her senses. Eventually, he would coax her out of their suite with the purchase of some sort of luxurious gift. I suddenly realized that the entire foolish dance was becoming very tiresome. I turned and ran down the stairs to the entry door. I rang for Joseph, and asked him to take me to the station at Bedminster-with-Hartcliffe . This time there were no bags to carry. I bid a tearful farewell to Willow Grove.
    On the train en route to London, I finally stopped sobbing, and tried

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