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Book: Willow by Donna Lynn Hope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Lynn Hope
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where I belonged and the only best friend I ever had was a dog.
    “New blood,” was all I said.
    “What do you mean by that?” she asked.
    “I’m new here. There is always interest at first.”
    “You underestimate yourself,” she said.
    “I think most of us do,” I retorted.
    We both heard the engine and turned to see a rider approaching. The only thing that identified him was his dark hoodie. He was wearing a black helmet and motioned for Lacey who left my side without saying goodbye. I watched as she climbed on the back of the motorcycle. She was putting her helmet on when she nodded in my direction. That’s when I heard him.
    “Ride with me,” Haven announced.
    I turned to stare at him. “You didn’t even ask so what makes you think I’d say yes?”
    “I’m asking,” he said.
    “Look,” I started. “I came with my friends and I intend to leave with them.”
    “Where’s your sense of adventure?” He asked.
    I felt the sudden urge to leave, or run away as he had put it. He was waiting for me to reply so I walked towards the door of Reece’s truck. “I don’t have much of one.”
    Haven moved in so close that I could feel a spark of adrenaline and I enjoyed how alive it made me feel.
    “Life is too brief to be scared of taking risks,” he informed me. “Especially the ones that have the chance to make you happy.”
    I looked into the trees and said nothing. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “When was the last time you were happy?”
    I didn’t have an answer.
    “What’s going on? What’s the plan?” Reece asked as he and Amber came around to stand with the two of us.
    I looked at Haven and attempted a genuine smile. “I appreciate the offer, I do, but I’m staying with Amber and Reece. It would be rude not to go home with them.”
    Hearing me, Reece opened the side door, “And we are leaving now.”
    He obviously stated that for Haven’s benefit and not mine. The two stared each other down.
    “Willow?” The interruption came from Reece.
    Haven glared at him before looking down at me, “I’ll see you soon...”

Chapter 14
    We were driving down the gravel road when bright headlights came up behind us, drawing a curse from Reece.
    Amber looked behind us, “I wonder who that is?” She sounded concerned.
    “I don’t know but what an ass!” Reece said, cursing again. “I can barely see.”
    “Let them pass once we’re off this road,” I suggested.
    The headlights were blinding as they drew closer and there seemed to be more than one.
    “Motorcycles,” I reported. “Can you pull over enough to let them by? I know the road is narrow but they should be able to pass.”
    Angered, Reece slowed down and pulled dangerously close to some trees, giving passage to the riders. One by one they rode by, the last of which was the rider with the moon tattoo. He turned and stared into our vehicle and in a matter of seconds he was out of view. Reece grumbled to himself and Amber looked from him to me, “They’re going to hurt someone,” she said.
    Once we were on the main road we relaxed and Reece turned on some music. We were chatting about the stories people told around the fire and agreed that until the last twenty minutes it had been a fun evening. Through the laughter that followed headlights once again flooded through the back window, temporarily blinding Reece. He swerved but regained control quickly.
    “Can you pull over?” I asked as alarm altered the inflection of my voice.
    “Do it!” Amber ordered.
    Reece slowed down and so did the rider behind us. We were almost stopped when we saw them. Lacey and the blonde in the hoodie were in a heated discussion with the three riders. They were parked off the main road and there were no lights cast except from the moon which was gibbous and not yet full.
    The rider pulled up next to Reece and motioned for him to roll down his window.
    “You shouldn’t stop. You need to get out of here,” Haven yelled. We could barely

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