Wild Rekindled Love
clenching tight while she struggled to relieve some of the pressure building between her thighs. “Why don’t we get in the hot tub and I’ll work those muscles,” he paused his words for a moment as his warm breath flittered along her skin, before he continued, “Until they are nice and relaxed. You’ll sleep like a baby tonight.”
    Closing her eyes as desire zipped along her nerve endings, she sighed and gave into the feelings he stirred. He always knew exactly what to do to get her wound up and begging for more, and sleep was the last thing on her mind at the moment. “Lucky for you, I left my suit on under my clothes.”
    He chuckled softly and shivers raced down her arms.
    “Let me change and grab a couple of towels. If you want, I’ll meet you out there.”
    When she nodded, he stepped back, taking his warmth with him. His reflection in the glass gave her the perfect view of his broad shoulders, slim waist and impossibly perfect ass when he moved toward the bedroom. Shaking her head, she slid open the glass door and stepped outside as the warmth of the evening air hit her face.
    The light that illuminated the hot tub beaconed when she walked toward it. Once she reached the side, she unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them down over her hips, stepped out and laid them across a nearby chair. She lifted her t-shirt over her head and put it on top of her pants, just as she heard Wyatt behind her when he groaned softly. Smiling to herself, she sat on the side of the hot tub and swung her legs into the water.
    The steamy water lapped at her legs and inched up when she sank down until it reached her shoulders. She tipped her head back on the side of the tub, but didn’t open her eyes when Wyatt sank into the warmth next to her with a soft sigh.
    “I love hot tubs,” he whispered. “Turn around.”
    She cracked open one eye as she lifted her head and turned her back to him. Thighs cradled her ass, and she fought the urge to grind it against the bulge precariously close to her back. He draped her hair over her shoulder, before his thumbs found the tight muscles at her neck. Dropping her head toward her chest, she moaned softly as his supple hands worked the knots from her neck and shoulders.
    “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been doing the last nine years? We haven’t really had a chance to just talk.”
    “Very true.” She rolled her head to one side. “After Sam was born, I stayed with my parents for a few years, but I worked at Johnson’s Grocery in order to help with bills and stuff.” She moaned, and said, “You have no idea how good that feels.”
    He chuckled again.
    “Anyway. I finally moved out and got a place of my own that I could afford and my mom watched Sam while I worked. I did pretty well until the store laid me off because business went to shit when Wal-Mart came into town.”
    “Yeah. I can imagine. They tend to do that when they build a store.”
    “That’s when I decided to move back in with my parents and get my nursing degree. It’s been a long three years, but I’m done now and things will be a lot better with more money coming in.”
    “You know I’ll help you with her.”
    She changed the subject. “So, where did you go after you left here?”
    “Los Angeles.”
    “It’s not the same as here. Way too fast paced for me. I’m just a simple guy.”
    “Simply gorgeous,” she murmured.
    His hands wandered down her arms and he pulled her back against his chest. Warm lips whispered softly against the skin of her neck. Her nipples puckered against the top of her bikini and heat flooded between her thighs. Her pussy throbbed and filled at the contact of his mouth. Her body remembered his touch, every whisper of his fingers and every brush of his lips.
    Her head fell back on his shoulder when he skimmed up her neck with his tongue. He nibbled her earlobe with his teeth, taking the soft flesh and biting softly. “Do you want

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