Wild Irish Roots (The Mystic Cove Series)
feel the love radiating from her mother and felt safe.
    "What do you mean extra special? Like, because I can do math so well?" Margaret asked, deliberately steering the conversation around where she sensed it was going.
    "No, because you have a special ability that other people don't have. But, if you don't learn how to keep quiet about it, people may treat you differently," Fiona said and patted Margaret's hand. "Honey, you're empathic. It is a very special gift that allows you to see other people's feelings even if they don't say anything. That man that you saw in the restaurant? Well, nobody else would know he was lying. Not even the woman that he was talking to. Most people can't see what you see."
    Margaret felt heat creep through her as she began to understand all of the awkward moments she had been having at school. She was different.
    "But you said that you could see he was lying!" Margaret said, accusation in her voice.
    "I can. I did. But, see, I'm different too." Fiona smiled at her.
    Margaret knew this to be true. She'd heard whispers of it on the playground and around the village. Fiona O'Brien's healing skills were both revered and feared. Margaret had always wondered why someone would be scared of Fiona, when she brought so much good to others.
    "So, we're weird?" Margaret asked and crossed her arms over her small chest. Shame began to build within her.
    "Margaret O'Brien, stop that. Immediately." Fiona's harsh tone jerked Margaret's gaze to her face. "We are not weird. We are special. Not everyone gets to have these types of gifts. They have been handed down from a very famous woman."
    Her interest piqued, Margaret toyed with her scone before looking up at Fiona.
    "From who?"
    "Well, none other than the famous pirate queen, Grainne O'Malley. Grace. Just like my middle name. Just like yours."
    "We're related to a pirate queen?" Margaret said excitedly. She'd always loved the water and spent many a happy hour down in the cove with Fiona.
    "That we are...the best one, at that. Grace ruled the seas with a steel fist and wide-open heart. She helped to maintain much of our Irish culture. When it was time for her to pass on, well, she chose the cove as her final resting place."
    Margaret's hands stilled on the plate. "Our cove?"
    "Yes, our cove. The cove is where she chose to die. In doing so, she protected it. And, through whatever powers that be, she also gave everyone of her bloodline special gifts. You're lucky to have it," Fiona said fiercely.
    Margaret stared across the road sullenly. She didn't feel lucky. She felt different now.
    "I don't want it," Margaret said stubbornly.
    Fiona laughed at her and reached across the table to cup her chin.
    "That's something you'll have to come to terms with, my love."

Chapter Two
    Ten Years Later
    M argaret dumped the rest of the teacups into the sink and powered the large sprayer over them. Her mind was on her date with Sean tonight, so she almost missed the cups and sprayed herself. Laughing, Margaret stepped back from the sink and went to lock the front door, calling to Sarah, the other server that worked at Grace's Cup, a small teashop in downtown Grace's Cove.
    "Sarah, I'm closing up. I have a date to get ready for. You can go." Margaret smiled with anticipation as she locked the front glass-paned door and wound her way back through the small tables that cluttered the floor of the small restaurant.
    "Alright then, see you later this week," Sarah grumbled as she left from the back door. Margaret rolled her eyes and moved through the small kitchen to twist the lock on the back door. Sarah always had one complaint or another. Shrugging it off, Margaret went into the back room to pull her garment bag from the closet. Smiling, she unzipped the bag to reveal a deep purple dress. She'd saved it just for this date with Sean, knowing that they would move their relationship forward soon.
    Margaret changed quickly, slipping the purple dress over her

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