Wild Hunts
stroked the top of her panties but never dipped beneath the satin. “I recall how sensitive you were last night. How afraid.”
    “I–I’m not afraid,” she gasped. Slade’s hot lips brushed the shell of her ear. She moaned. His feverish breath elicited sparks of pleasure that spiraled along her nerves.
    Kasa grabbed the edge of the counter for support. Slade’s fingers swept along the top of her panties once more before withdrawing from her sweatpants. He kissed the top of her head with a sigh.
    She growled and looked back at him. “Really? You’ll tease me and then nothing more?”
    “That’s right, sweetheart. I’ll tease you and leave you simmering until the right time comes.” Slade flashed her a mischievous smile. “Never fear. You’ll be well taken care of at that time.”
    Kasa snorted. Plates back in her hands, she turned around and faced Slade. He hadn’t bothered to move back, forcing her body to press most enticingly against his. And the feel of his hard cock nudging her belly…Her mind whirled slightly, and she quickly reined in sputtering desires.
    Apparently now isn’t the time.
    Well, that was fine. When that time came, she’d make him work for it.
    “Hungry?” she asked. Slade’s dark gaze coasted down her body. Heat flared along her veins. She had to work to keep her reaction hidden. “Hope you like eggs and bacon. It’s a staple here in the Jones household. Not to mention I don’t keep much in the fridge at any given time. In case Jordan and I have to bolt.”
    “Well, you won’t be bolting in the near future. No need to run with Micah and I here.”
    “Unless the rebels locate us and converge. We have no clue how many reprogrammed weres there are. Jordan refused to bring the majority of our pack, leaving them in Oregon while we track holding cells. His best men, and two of their mates, are with us.”
    Slade’s eyes narrowed. Shadowed lust dissipated. He took a small step back to better gauge her and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “There are no other cabins in this vicinity. Where’s the pack?”
    “We’ve put them up at a motel nearby. This way, if something happens to us, they’ll have time to escape.” Kasa held out his breakfast. Slade didn’t move to take it from her. “It’s a precaution we’ve taken ever since we discovered the reprogramming of weres, thanks to Tom. Rather than be blitzed by a pack unknowingly, we’ve remained separated. But don’t think for a minute that our pack can’t reach us within a few breaths when necessary.”
    “Still, it’s foolish to be separated. It weakens you as a whole, leaving both parties vulnerable. And you, of all members, should be in Oregon with the rest of your pack. Safely in Oregon.” Slade shook his head. “You know you have cousins in Hood River and Wolf Creek? Shyla Smith and Ayasha White. They’re with their mates. Perhaps Micah and I should bring you back, tuck you away—”
    “Absolutely not,” Kasa snapped. She jabbed the edge of the plate into Slade’s chest. A piece of bacon bounced off the plate and landed on the floor. “I will not leave my brother. He and I are a team, understood? He’s all I have in my family and I’ll never abandon him. I’ll fight by his side until we have all those innocent weres safely away from the rebels, and I will not quit. I am not a quitter.”
    “No, you’re a fighter.” Slade took the plate from her hand and tossed it onto the counter. Eggs slopped over the countertop. “If I understand correctly, your brother banned you from the team. Meaning, you are no longer allowed to participate in the hunt for rebels and reprogrammed weres.”
    Anger flowed white hot in her blood. No man would ever restrain her from doing what she had to do.
    If he didn’t understand her drive, he’d best stay out of her way. Especially with the main cell practically under her nose. They were so close she could feel it like waves of electricity just under her skin. They would soon

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