Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale

Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale by Kristabel Reed

Book: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale by Kristabel Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristabel Reed
waiting for afternoon tea. Sabine hadn't realized how quickly their time had passed while she knelt before her soon-to-be husband in a house he'd rented solely to teach her.
    No matter how many times she thought that, reminded herself of that, she couldn't seem to accustom herself to the reality. Even kneeling before him, first the glass cock, then his hard, warm one in her mouth, sliding down her throat, she couldn't reconcile the fact that his man was to be her husband.
    “Ma'am”—the butler bowed deeply, face blank of all emotion—”Lord Severn is here.”
    Sabine immediately stood, suddenly scared Aiden's presence would upset the delicate balance she'd built over the last several days. He couldn't walk in here and expect her to go to him, not with Reddick here.
    What would he think? Aiden knew she was to marry Reddick, but what would he think of her submitting to the older man's desires?
    “Show him into the east parlor,” she said, already standing, “I'll see him there.”
    The butler didn't move. With disapproval just coming through the man's otherwise stoic exterior, he glanced to her left. “He's here to see Mr. Reddick.”
    Caught half-standing, half-sitting, Sabine frowned. What? Who was Aiden here to see? Glancing at Faith, she saw the same confusion in her friend's frown.
    “Very well,” she said, sitting back down and looking to Reddick. He stood, bowed to her and Faith, and followed the butler.
    Frozen to the seat, she jumped when Faith sat beside her. “What do you suppose that's about?”
    All she could do was shake her head, thoughts chasing themselves around her mind. She couldn't begin to understand why Aiden wanted to see Reddick, let alone here .
    “Where did you go?” Faith asked.
    It took Sabine a moment to formulate an answer, and when she did, realized honesty was the only answer she had. “He took me somewhere private,” she admitted quickly, glancing at the door in case anyone happened by.
    Swallowing, she could still taste Reddick's seed and wished the tea would arrive quickly. She wanted to wash away his taste.
    “He wanted to teach me…certain things. How to please him, how to…” Her voice dropped even further until Faith had to strain to hear her. “How to…intimately pleasure him.”
    “Oh!” Faith jerked back in surprise, dark eyes wide. “And did you?”
    “What choice have I?” she snapped. “Despite the lack of formal announcement, Mr. Reddick is courting me with the understanding we're to marry. My father has the contract now, which only awaits our signatures. He said”—and Sabine dropped her voice again—”Reddick said he wanted to ensure I was aware of his taste before our marriage bed.”
    “When he discovers you're no longer a virgin,” Faith said just as the tea trolley rolled in, “how do you think he'll react?”
    Glaring at her to be quiet before the servants, Sabine simply said, “I don't know, but there are ways around that.”
    But as she poured the tea, she had the feeling should if he ever discover her duplicity, he'd teach her a lesson. And it wouldn't be pleasurable.
    * * * *
    “Have you changed your mind, Lord Severn?” Reddick asked as he entered the parlor.
    Severn turned to look at the man, face devoid of all emotion. He'd spent the last days alternating between hating his weakness over wanting Sabine and plotting to have her completely.
    “Have you finally decided to join me in the munitions business?”
    “There's nothing in which I wish to join you,” he said. The other man raised an amused eyebrow at that and Severn resisted the smug cut. “There's something I wish to take from you.”
    Reddick offered a perplexed laugh. “And what is it the great Lord Severn wishes from my humble belongings?”
    “The woman you court,” he said shortly.
    Severn narrowed his eyes at the anger that crossed the other man's face. There was a deeper layer to the man, one Severn hadn't realized until now. He wanted Sabine, but why? Business

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