Wicked Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 4)
scoffed. “Not entirely, you’re not. That’s why we have to talk about these things.”
    “I just can’t help feeling that, despite really wanting you to be who you are, it’s still wrong for me to want you that way,” he said.
    “Seriously, Caleb?” I asked. “What are you afraid of?”
    Then something came to mind.
    I parked in an empty parking lot and turned to him. “This is about those comments at the Slovene conference, isn’t it?”
    In Slovenia, he had acquired a bit of a reputation as ‘that guy ruled by the two vampire women’ from some of the more closed-minded humans attending the conference. A number of them were human male companions, though I heard mutterings from a few of the staff, as well.
    He maintained a rueful expression but said nothing. However, I heard his heart rate increase significantly.
    “I knew it,” I said. “Listen, I didn’t see any one of those supposedly masculine men rush forward to carry an explosives-laden briefcase across a field and throw it over a cliff before it blew up in their faces,” I challenged. “Or confront a dangerous vampire with some sort of hastily-pieced-together UV light fixture. Or even battle against corrupt police officers for Dori Rousseau’s honor and welfare. Those guys who were labeling you were full of testosterone-laden egos and no action, Caleb.”
    However, he still appeared unconvinced and I suppressed a heavy sigh.
    “Okay, think about this, then. You’d never permit anyone else to treat you in the manner that I do. You wouldn’t dare stand for that, would you?” I asked.
    “Probably not,” he said.
    “Of course not; only I’m allowed to do that. Only I can give you what you need; what you desire, what fulfills you. Nobody else gets to treat you that way.”
    He nodded. “I understand.”
    “I’m not worried about whether you understand or not,” I said. “I’m concerned that you just don’t believe it yet.”
    “It’s okay, Kat. I just need to work this out in my own mind, that’s all,” he said.
    My fear was that he wouldn’t.
    Of course, I’m also worried that he’ll end up brooding about this and I won’t get any sex from him tonight.
    I watched him as he once more stared out the passenger window.
    I earned having good sex tonight, Caleb, and I intend to receive what’s rightfully mine.
    I reached over the grasped his chin between my fingertips and turned his face to look at me.
    “You’re no wimp, Caleb,” I said firmly. “I’ve trained you myself. There are few men who could pick a fight with you and walk away from it. How wimpy is that?”
    He looked at me with an almost juvenile visage.
    “Great, the next time someone teases me about being too submissive, I’ll just kick their ass,” he said.
    I released his chin and slipped the car back into gear. “Exactly,” I said. “You have my permission. And if anybody has anything to say about that , then I’ll kick their ass.”
    There, case closed.
    His subsequent chuckling encouraged me, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I whipped back out onto the street.

    Chapter 10

    By the time Kat and I returned to the estate, I felt exhausted. I stifled a yawn as we walked through the expansive kitchen.
    “I think I’ll hit the shower before bed,” I said.
    “No bed,” she said. “No sleeping allowed yet. You’re gonna’ take a shower and perk back up for me.”
    “For what? Massage? Game of chess? Maybe a movie?” I teased.
    She pulled me into her arms and gazed down into my eyes in a possessive fashion. “Maybe you.”
    She reached down and pinched my butt.
    “Hey!” I said.
    “Mine,” she said. “All mine.”
    Her hand slid down and firmly grasped my genitals with one hand. “Mine, too,” she said slyly. “And I want what’s mine tonight.”
    I kissed her hard, pressing my lips against hers and parting them with my tongue. She pressed me back against the kitchen counter, kissing me in an urgent, hungry

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