Wicked Ride
evasive when
he’s asked about my background. Likewise, I know there’s
something twisted in his past that has driven him to a place where he
takes solace in anonymous, kinky sex. We’re hiding things from
one another, but somehow, it seems to be okay right in this very
moment. We know our time together is limited, so we seem to be okay
with the partial truths and banal conversation regarding world events
and funny stories from our lives that don’t impact the house of
cards we’ve built so far.
    But overall, dinner was
enjoyable. It was not a hardship to spend a few hours with an
amazingly gorgeous man who made me feel like I swallowed butterflies
or something. It’s a
feeling I’ve never had before with a man.
    Granted, grifting is not
conducive to relationships. When you live moment to moment in one con
or another, you build a wall around your very human nature so that
you never let your guard slip. Grifters are notoriously unromantic
creatures, shifty and sly. We can’t
open our hearts up to be stolen because we’re too busy doing
the stealing.
not to say I’m without experience though.
dated here and there, usually people from my world, but we’re
territorial and competitive, and always looking for a way to one-up
the other. So yeah… meaningless dates and even more
meaningless conversation. Nothing more than a way to step outside of
my structured little world, blow off some steam, and accept something
for just a moment that feels good even if it’s completely
    Logan pulls his beat-up old truck
into the driveway of the rented cabin outside of Jackson. He’d
picked me up here a few hours ago. I’d come out the door and
met him before he even made it to the porch. I didn’t want to
feel compelled to invite him in and give him a tour of a home that
meant nothing to me.
    But now…
as he cuts the engine off, which rumbles and sputters once before
going dead, I wonder if I should invite him in now. We diligently
avoided the topic of sex for the rest of our meal, but it didn’t
mean we weren’t thinking about it. I would have images of last
night pop into my head at the most inopportune times, causing my
panties to get wet. Logan seemed to squirm at times in his chair, and
once he reached down to adjust himself.
    Just the two of us sitting across
from each other at dinner with simple memories of the previous night,
and we were both turned on.
    Will we repeat it tonight?
    I know I’m
game, but I wonder if he is as he was clear last night that it was a
onetime only thing.
    “I’m going to offer
to walk you to the door,” Logan says into the quiet truck cab.
I turn my gaze to him because something about the rumble in his voice
causes me to go on alert. “And if you accept, I’m not
stopping when I get to the door. I’m coming in with you.”
    “I can’t—”
I start to put him off, because I need him to know that sex is out of
the question. I can’t blow this elaborate set up just because I
want to feel him inside of me.
    He shakes his head, cutting me
off. “I’ll
leave your pussy alone. But that’s all I’m promising.”
    A violent shudder runs up my
spine, producing a full-body shiver. Every detail of last night
pulses in my mind. Things he did to me that I have only imagined in
my sexiest dreams, and things he did to me I’d
never imagined.
    His finger in my ass…
    Another shiver.
    “Okay,” I say in a
rush. For a split moment, I think Logan looks almost disappointed. As
if he wanted me to decline him so we could say goodbye right this
minute and try to move on from each other, because we’re only
making the addiction worse by feeding it.
    But then, just as quickly, his
eyes start to shimmer with an almost fevered need, and I know he’s
going to wreck me even better than he did the first time.
    “Last night,” Logan
asks me in between soft kisses down my belly. “First time a
man’s gone down on you?”
    “Mmmm. Hmmmm,” I
manage to purr

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