Wicked Obsession

Wicked Obsession by Ray Gordon

Book: Wicked Obsession by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
stopped outside the pub and gazed at him.
    ‘Are you sure that you don’t want to have a drink with me?’ she asked him.
    ‘No, I can’t,’ he sighed. ‘I have stuff to sort out.’
    ‘I’ll be at home tomorrow evening,’ Anne said. ‘When you come round to see Hayley, we’ll have a quick fuck.’
    ‘Great,’ Robin said eagerly. ‘With any luck, she’ll be in her room. Look, I really must go.’
    ‘Dirty boy,’ Anne breathed. ‘OK, I’ll see you tomorrow and we’ll fuck in my house.’
    ‘Be good,’ Robin called, chuckling as he walked away.
    Anne wandered into the pub and gazed at the sea of faces as she bought a large vodka and tonic. The pub was busy, for a change, but her table was free. As she sat down she couldn’t see Alan or Dave, and she began to wish that she’d gone straight home. Wondering when Rick would phone her, she realised that she was going to have to make a list of the men she was seeing and work out a timetable. Knocking back her drink, thinking again what a slut she was, she was about to leave when Alan’s friend Brian walked towards her and grinned.
    ‘Hi,’ he said, sitting opposite her. ‘Alan said that you use this pub.’
    ‘Shouldn’t you be tucked up in your bed, Brian?’ she asked him. ‘It’s getting late.’
    ‘I’d like to be tucked up in bed with
,’ he quipped.
    Anne cocked her head to one side and grinned. ‘Are you married?’
    ‘Yes, I am. But my sex life finished years ago. My wife and I have separate beds – it was her idea.’
    ‘I need some excitement, Brian. I’m bored.’
    ‘I thought that your life was exciting enough?’
    ‘It is but … I love danger, the thrill and danger of getting caught with my knickers down.’
    ‘I’ll pull your knickers down for you,’ Brian said, winking at her.
    ‘Let’s play a game,’ Anne breathed huskily. ‘I’ll call at your house, pretending to be selling something, and you invite me in.’
    ‘What sort of game is that?’
    ‘Will your wife be in bed?’
    ‘No, not for a long time yet. What are you getting at?’
    ‘You invite me in, and we’ll have sex.’
    ‘With my wife watching us? No, I don’t think so.’
    ‘No, no. You show me round the house and—’
    ‘We’ve been thinking about buying new bedroom furniture,’ he cut in, obviously up for the game. ‘I could say that you’ve come to measure up and give us a quote.’
    ‘OK, that sounds good.’
    ‘How about tomorrow evening, then?’
    ‘Tonight, Brian,’ Anne replied. ‘We’ll go there now.’
    ‘No, we can’t do it tonight.’
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Because my wife’s brother is down from Scotland – he’s staying with us.’
    ‘Even better,’ she said, leaving the table. ‘Come on, let’s do it.’
    Shaking his head as he followed her out of the pub, Brian repeatedly told her that this wasn’t a good idea. But Anne wasn’t listening. She was imagining giving the old man a blow job in the marital bedroom while his wife was downstairs chatting with her brother. With any luck, the woman would climb the stairs and catch her husband with his cock embedded deep inside Anne’s warm, wet mouth and there’d be a huge row.
    When they reached the house, Anne gave Brian his instructions and waited outside as he let himself in and closed the front door. She didn’t really look like a salesperson or company representative, she thought, gazing at her short skirt. But if she started talking about bedroom furniture and Brian played his part properly, she’d get away with it. Did she really want to wreck his marriage? she wondered. It would be fun if his wife caught him fucking a teenage girl, but … Realising the extent of her wickedness, she wondered how far she’d go in her quest for danger and excitement.
    Pondering on the scam, Anne wondered whether she should try it with Alan and his wife. Or her next-door neighbour, she mused in her rising wickedness. He was in his sixties and he’d often gazed longingly at Anne

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