Wicked Heat

Wicked Heat by Nicola Marsh

Book: Wicked Heat by Nicola Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Marsh
Tags: Feel the Heat#1
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mentioned the company,
     her amusement faded. No way, no how would she lose AW. And that meant scoring a pitch
     with Kai Kaluna and nailing it.
    “I’ll tell you more later if you bring me up to date with the Kaluna file.”
    The twinkle in Zoe’s eyes faded as she set down her mineral water and unzipped the
     portfolio bag beside her. “It’s all in here. I’ve compiled a breakdown of each resort’s
     strengths and weaknesses, past advertising campaigns, and the direction other similar
     resorts are taking.”
    “That’s impressive, Zo-Zo, thanks.” Allegra accepted the stack of documentation Zoe
     dumped in her arms. “I read through the stuff you e-mailed me, too. Great work.”
    “Would be better work if we secured this pitch.” Zoe fired up her iPad, swiped her
     finger across the screen, and brought up a few websites. “These are the advertising
     firms we’re probably going up against. A compilation of the best of the best that
     a tycoon like Kai would go for. Pretty impressive competition.”
    “We can beat them,” Allegra said, not surprised to see Jett missing from the list.
     From what he’d said, he’d had a buddy pull strings and was pitching solo, not representing
     his company—considering it didn’t exist anymore.
    Guilt insinuated its way into her conscience again. What this would do to him if AW
     won the campaign… She wished there were some way they could both get what they wanted…
     The moment the thought popped into her head she wanted to kick herself.
    This wasn’t one of her easily fixable scenarios, when she could look after her neighbor’s
     cat for a week or buy several boxes of Girl Scout cookies so the kid down the road
     could go to camp.
    She couldn’t help Jett secure this campaign, and even if she did come up with some
     brilliant way to offer assistance beyond changing her pitch, she couldn’t risk sabotaging
     her own chance at winning.
    No, she couldn’t afford to lose sight of the bigger picture: if she didn’t land the
     Kaluna campaign, her business was finished and the faith Zoe had placed in her by
     investing in the company from the start would be shattered.
    It would irk her, losing her own money, but losing Zoe’s? Uh-uh, she’d do anything
     to ensure that didn’t happen, including beating the guy who physically rocked her
    “Did you manage to arrange a meeting with Kai?”
    Allegra nodded. “We need to get suited up and ready to go in ninety minutes.”
    Zoe’s mouth dropped open. “Do you have anything to show him besides our dazzling smiles?”
    “I ditched my earlier ideas and came up with a new concept.” She hadn’t been able
     to sleep last night, what with having to come up with a new pitch out of necessity,
     and with the secret of not telling Jett weighing heavily. She’d almost blurted out
     that her company was going up against him several times.
    But he’d physically distracted her and the moment had been lost. A good thing, too,
     because no way would she have had the night she had if she’d blabbed. Which only served
     to increase her guilt. Having sensational sex had temporarily clouded her brain but
     once the post-orgasmic haze wore off, she was back to feeling crappy for keeping the
     truth from him.
    They would be rivals, pitching for their respective livelihoods. Not exactly what
     she’d envisioned for a no-holds-barred, weeklong fling. Pillow talk should consist
     of sexy banter, not heavy business declarations. If she wanted to maintain a clear
     focus and not overly complicate matters, she needed to keep the two separate for the
     length of her stay.
    “Can I see?”
    “Sure.” Allegra pulled a few files up on her iPad and handed it to Zoe. “These resorts
     are high-end luxury all the way. Couple-focused. Intimate. So we’re going with the
     sexy angle.”
    “I like it.” Zoe’s eyes lit up. “They already offer romance packages and cool stuff
     like the Kink Kit. This takes it a step

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