Why We Love

Why We Love by Helen Fisher

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Authors: Helen Fisher
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    Thank you, Ray Carroll, for your wisdom, humor, and genuine support. Thank you, Amanda Urban, my literary agent, for your dedication to this project. Thank you very much, Deb Brody and Jennifer Barth, my editors, for your astute guidance, Daniel Reid for your valuable assistance, John Sterling, and everyone else at Henry Holt for their enthusiasm for this book. I am particularly grateful to my collaborators Lucy Brown, Art Aron, Deb Mashek, Greg Strong, and Haifang Li for the enormous amount of time, intelligence, and dedication they gave to our fMRI brain scanning project, as well as the women and men who volunteered for our experiments. I thank Michelle Cristiani, Mariko Hasegawa, and Toshikazu Hasegawa for helping me collect questionnaire data on romantic love in the United States and Japan, and MacGregor Suzuki and Tony Oliva for their statistical analysis of this material. I thank Jennifer LeClair and Jonathan Stieglitz for assisting me with some of the research. I am indebted to many colleagues and friends for their good counsel or comments on sections of the manuscript, including Judy Andrews, Sydney Barrows, Laura Betzig, Michael Breton, Arnold Brown, Ray Carroll, Hillary DelPrete, Perry Faithorn, Fletcher Hodges, Brendan Perreault, Don Pfaff, Michelle Press, Carolyn Reynolds, Brenda Sexton, Greg Simpson, Edward E. Smith, Barb Smuts, Fred Suffet, Lionel Tiger, Andy Thomson, Janel Tortorice, Edie Weiner, and Jeff Zeig. I thank Jack Harris and the rest of my colleagues at

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