Who Gets the Friends?

Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith

Book: Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Smith
Tags: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
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Chapter One
    Tom Harris stood in the living room of his apartment and looked at the way he had arranged his new and slightly used furniture. It’ll do for now. At least I have cable TV and the stereo works. When I dig out some of the pictures I have packed I’ll tackle the walls.
    He went to answer the knocking at the door. Doug Dennison stood on the front step, smiling and holding a six-pack of Beck’s Dark German beer. “Housewarming present.”
    Tom held the door open to let him in, then closed it. “Thanks. That’s just what I need right now.”
    Doug tossed his coat on the couch next to him as Tom handed him a beer and took a seat in the recliner.
    “So how’s it feel to be in your own place again?” Doug asked.
    “Awkward. First time I’ve been on my own in nearly ten years. It’ll take some getting used to. At least it’s cheaper than the motel I was staying in the past few weeks.”
    Doug tipped his bottle back. “How long until it’s finalized?”
    “My lawyer got us on the calendar a week from Wednesday.” He shook his head. “My ex already petitioned to get her maiden name back.”
    “You didn’t really want people calling her Mrs. Harris any longer, did you?”
    “Oh, hell no.” He took a drink. “The timing couldn’t be worse for a break-up. Thanksgiving is in a few weeks, then we’re into the holidays. I always hated spending the holidays alone before I got married.”
    “What about your friends?”
    “What friends? She took them as part of the settlement.”
    “But you two were always going to dinner or the theater with some couples and you played golf at the country club most weekends. I just assumed you were with friends.”
    “They were all her friends, not mine. I was just a hanger-on. Most of them she knew through her old man’s business.”
    “You mean none of them want to associate with you now?”
    “Pretty much. I ran into the wife of one of my golf buddies at the grocery store the other day and she barely spoke to me. Can you beat that?”
    “You think your ex got to her?”
    “Wouldn’t surprise me. I just wonder how many other people she told stories to.”
    “I wouldn’t worry. Anyone who knows you very well won’t put any stock in what she says.”
    “I’m not worried. Hell, if I wanted to play that game I could make some calls of my own. I wonder how some of my former friends would react if they heard some of the things I could tell about her?”
    Doug laughed. “Careful, man. That’s dangerous talk.”
    “I’m not going to do it. That would be sinking to her level.”
    Doug set his bottle on the coffee table. “I always said you were a class act, Tom.”
    Tom put a Buddy Rich CD on the stereo. “Suits my mood,” he said.
    “When are you thinking of getting back into the dating game?” Doug asked.
    “Who would I date? I’ve been out of circulation for so many years I wouldn’t know where to start looking.”
    “What about Karly with a k at work? She’s always hanging around and flirting with you.”
    “That was when I was still attached. When I let it slip that I was about to be a free agent again she turned a bit frosty.”
    “Get outta here! You think she was afraid you’d make a move on her?”
    “Probably. Haven’t you figured that out about women? When you’re attached to someone they think it’s safe to flirt because they assume you won’t do anything about it.”
    “Still might be worth a phone call to test the waters.”
    Tom took a drink. “I’ll think about it.”
    “You know what you need? A divorce party.”
    “A what?”
    “A divorce party. Divorce isn’t just the end of something bad, it’s the beginning of something good.”
    Tom laughed. “Are you serious? People actually do that?”
    Doug shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Maybe we’re plowing virgin territory.”
    Tom hesitated. “I don’t know…”
    “Come on, it’ll be a blast. A lot of people, some food, drinks, laughs. It’ll do you

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