Whistler's Angel

Whistler's Angel by John R. Maxim

Book: Whistler's Angel by John R. Maxim Read Free Book Online
Authors: John R. Maxim
Tags: Fiction, General
saintly as you are? Because I’ll tell you right now, if that’s what you have in mind…”
    “I’m saintly? Who said I’m saintly?”
    “Okay, then angelic.”
    “Only guardian angelic. Otherwise I’m still human. Unless it turns out that I do have special powers, I’m exactly the person I was.”
    “I don’t think so.”
    “And the light never said that it’s my job to judge you. It just said I should save you by loving you, Adam. No biggie. I loved you already.”
    “No, you didn’t.”
    “Now you’ll say I only loved who you pretended to be. Sure, you left a lot out, but that was still you. You’re nicer than you think you are, Adam.”
    “Listen, Claudia…”
    “Here’s another flash for you. I know you love me. All that’s holding you back is that you think I’m nuts. Oh, and now you’re afraid I’ll be a pain in neck. Don’t worry, Adam. I came back as your angel. I’m not the Ayatollah Khomeini.”
    “Even so…”
    “Want to hear me talk dirty? Would that ease your mind?”
    “I know. I’ll take you camping again. That broke the ice last time. Come to think of it, why wait? Move my tray, hop aboard and let’s get at it.”
    “Cut it out.”
    “Then get off this. Accept it. This thing’s a done deal. If you blow town again, I’ll hunt you down.”

    He stayed in Cherry Creek at her mother’s house until Claudia was released from the hospital. He had dreaded the prospect, but her mother insisted. She said that her house was the safest place for him, “what with snipers all over the place.”
    “Um…what snipers?”
    “Here and outside the hospital, too. And a couple are watching the
    police chief and mayor. Your father didn’t tell you about that?”
    “He did say that he would look after you.”
    Yes, he had. However, there were probably no snipers. Maybe one or two observers. Maybe even the twins. All his father had done was to call Mrs. Geller on a phone that he knew to be tapped. He told her that he had sharpshooters in place, but don’t worry, they’re experts and they’re all well concealed. Just go about your business as usual.
    Whistler had been reluctant to stay at her house for fear that she’d lay into him for even considering taking her daughter away for a year. She didn’t, he realized, because she hadn’t heard. His father was apparently saving that news until she got over to Geneva. Kate Geller had accepted his invitation, swayed by the prospect of a month’s peace of mind while her greenhouse was being repaired. She wouldn’t have to worry that a phantom sniper might pop some poor salesman who blundered to her door. More than that, he’d arranged for further medical care while Claudia rested and healed. Not least, Kate Geller would have that month to decide whether she should thank his father or strangle him.
    Claudia was released and was able to travel. Her mother had packed two suitcases for her and brought a change of clothing to the hospital. She brought a pair of slacks and a big loose-fitting sweater that fit over the cervical collar. Whistler had hired a private ambulance that would take them directly to their plane. Claudia asked her mother to ride up front for the forty minute ride to Denver’s airport. She said, “I need to have a private chat with Adam.”
    Two minutes into the ride, she leaned toward him. In a low voice, she asked, “You still think I’ll be a nag?”
    “No, I didn’t really mean that.”
    “Still think I won’t be any good in the sack?”
    “I never said any such thing.”
    “Well, just so you know, the doctor said we can have sex as long as it’s
    nothing too athletic.”
    “Oh, Adam, lighten up. Don’t you know when I’m teasing?”
    “I’m still…having a little trouble with all this.”
    “But as long as we’re on the subject of sex, aren’t you dying to find out what it’s like? I mean, how many angels have you boffed?”
    “Um…we’re still teasing? You’re

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