Whispering Hills of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 3)

Whispering Hills of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 3) by Dorothy Wiley

Book: Whispering Hills of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 3) by Dorothy Wiley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy Wiley
him into the woods. The tracks, still heading north, ran parallel to the main road.
    All of a sudden, Sam stilled his mount and held his hand up. William scanned the thicket ahead, and realized they’d come face to face with a party of Shawnee. A small band of about ten, probably hunters, slowly moved in their direction. They were outnumbered more than two to one, and every one of the muscular braves held a bow in his hand. Those odds did not overly concern William because Sam and Bear were both experienced and formidable Indian fighters, and he could hold his own too. But he had no idea what kind of a fighter McGuffin might be. He put his hand to his pistol, but did not pull it for fear of setting off a fight. He did not want Kelly’s father killed in an Indian skirmish. She didn’t need any more grief in her life.
    At once, Sam started using sign language to communicate with the Indians. His oldest brother was the only one in the family who knew how to sign. To use the ancient language of the natives, understood by many tribes, was a sign of respect. William hoped it would help them to avoid a battle with the Shawnee. His belly tightened. They did not need this delay.
    “We seek only peace on this beautiful morning,” Sam translated for their benefit as he signed.
    William urged his mount alongside of Sam. If there was going to be trouble he didn’t want Sam to be out in front alone.
    The warrior who seemed to be the group’s leader positioned his horse in front of the other braves and stared back at Sam and William. He was a large, lean man with muscles that rippled across his chest and stomach. His long, sinewy legs were bare. Three rowsof paint striped his cheeks, and his smooth gold skin stretched over high cheekbones. What looked like eagle feathers entwined with his long black hair. He held his bow, notched with an arrow, at the ready, as he appraised Sam through squinted dark eyes.
    “His name is Strong Eagle and he asks why we are north of the Kentucky River, off the trail, in their hunting ground,” Sam said.
    Then Sam answered, “We search for one of our women, who was taken by a big man on a large horse. Have you seen such a man with a woman whose hair is the color of the sun when it is high in the sky?”
    Sam translated the brave’s answer. “He says, ‘I see not’.”
    “Ask if we can continue to search if we promise not to hunt in this area,” William said.
    After Sam signed the question, Strong Eagle responded, “My people are the friends of the birds, the animals, the trees, and the flowers. We respect all living creatures. Leave the woods and the fields as you find them. Go, and find woman you seek.”
    Sam answered, “We will try to leave this forest as we found it, so that it may be enjoyed by all and all those who come after us.”
    “And, ask if they will try to steal her if they find her with the white man before we do,” William urged.
    Sam regarded him uncertainly, but then translated William’s question.
    Strong Eagle responded without hesitation. “Shawnee promise Big Turtle not to take any more women from whites. Will take woman not.”
    William knew that ‘Big Turtle’ was the name the Shawnee had given Boone when they made him a blood brother.
    “We are friends of Big Turtle and will tell him of your loyalty to your promise,” Sam said.
    “Tell him I will remember his cooperation on this day,” William said.
    William glanced back at McGuffin, who thrust out his jaw and then said, “Captain Sam, how do we know they haven’t already taken her? I say we give them a fight.”
    William shot him a burning look. “Shut the hell up,” he shushed through stiff narrowed lips, “before you cause problems.”
    McGuffin’s face went livid. “How dare you speak to me with that tone, you insolent cur.”
    “Time to leave,” Sam said to them in a voice of authority. Then Sam turned to Big Eagle. “May your hunt be successful and your bellies full tonight.”
    As soon as Sam

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