Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2)

Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2) by Kara Parker Page A

Book: Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2) by Kara Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Parker
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subconscious decision, but that was a lie. She knew exactly where she was going. She knew that she shouldn’t go that woman’s house. There would be no fooling Hillary like she had fooled Joey. Hillary knew Olivia, and she knew Olivia was a cop. There was also a very good chance that Hillary hated Olivia and blamed her for putting the Reapers behind bars. There was the chance that Olivia could show up at Hillary’s and she would call the remaining bikers—and Olivia would find herself in a shallow grave next to David.
    Olivia pulled her Jeep into Hillary’s dusty driveway, and after she stopped, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and red, and there were bags under them. Her hair was a mess and her skin pale. Olivia scoffed at her reflection. How many times had Olivia looked disdainfully on Hillary’s bleached hair and her cheap nails, who was she to judge? Now, it would be Hillary’s turn.
    Olivia heard the sound of a door slamming open, and Hillary was standing there, shading her eyes in the sun and staring out at the strange car in her driveway. Without giving herself time to change her mind, Olivia hopped out of the Jeep and stuck her hands in her pockets. She gave Hillary a shrug, as tears began to slide down her cheeks all over again.
    “Officer Waters?” Hillary called out. “You alright?” Olivia shook her head, sending the tears down to sizzle on the hot desert sands. “Poor dear,” Hillary said, walking over to Olivia. The woman, who Olivia realized was only a few years older than herself, took Olivia’s face in her hands and looked down at her sadly. With her thumb, she wiped away a tear and said, “Why don’t you come on inside and have a sit in the cool air?”
    Olivia nodded and allowed herself to be led into Hillary’s trailer. A TV in the corner was on mute with Keeping Up with the Kardashians creating an odd backdrop to Hillary’s poor trailer. Hillary sat Olivia down at her scratched-up table and put a glass of lemonade in front of her and one for herself. She then reached up and pulled out a box of fiber cereal. With a wink, she reached inside and pulled out a bottle of vodka. She topped off the two lemonades and sat down across from Olivia.
    Olivia wiped her eyes and looked away, embarrassed, before taking a sip of her drink, feeling the sharp sting of the vodka as it cooled her dry and raw throat.
    “I’m sorry to come here like this,” Olivia finally said. “I know the Reapers think I’m this big enemy—”
    “Oh, I know that’s not true,” Hillary interrupted with a wave of her hand. “I done told Rick and Mike that a thousand times. I said that Olivia Waters is a good girl. Sure, she’s a cop, and no one likes them, but it ain’t fair to lump her in with all them other pigs.”
    “Thanks,” Olivia said, and she meant it.
    “Them bikers,” Hillary said with a shake of her head. “They drive you crazy, girl. I could have told you that.” Olivia laughed, only it came out half a sob, but she nodded and smiled at Hillary who continued with a knowing look. “Oh, I seen you and David Creely. I seen the way the two of you were talking to each other. You spoke like enemies, but you acted more like lovers.”
    “I think I might love him,” Olivia whispered, her eyes were looking outside, and she was focused on two birds resting on an old stump, far back from Hillary’s trailer. She couldn’t bear to look Hillary in the eyes as she spoke. She hadn’t told David that she loved him; she hadn’t really said it to herself yet. However, it was the truth, and she knew it as soon as she said it. She finally looked at Hillary who gave her a sympathetic smile, and then she reached across the table and took Olivia’s hand in her own.
    “I know, girl. I can see it in your eyes. I loved a biker once too, you know. No, not Rick or Mike. His name was Tommy. Oh, he was so handsome and so brave and so confident. There’s

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