
Whirlwind by Robert Liparulo

Book: Whirlwind by Robert Liparulo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Liparulo
Tags: Ebook
that showed off the hours he’d spent working out. His pecs bulged, his arms strained the shirt’s armholes.

    “Who—?” David started.

    “Dan Rainey,” Xander answered.

    “The car guy? But I thought Taksidian . . .”

    The guy marched right up to Xander, bumping his chest into Xander’s considerably less developed one. “What’d you do to my car, dawg?”

    Xander had to tip his head way back to look Dan in the face. He said, “I . . . uh . . .”

    David inched away from his brother. He would need the room to pivot around and bring his cast up into Dan’s cranium. There was still enough plaster under the Ace bandage that it should do some damage. Enough, anyway, to give them a fair head start for the door. Yeah, it would hurt—might even rebreak his arm—but not as much as Dan’s fists.

    “I’ll tell you what you did,” Dan yelled, spraying spittle into Xander’s face. “You showed it to Jimbo.” His face lit up, suddenly sporting a toothy grin and happy eyes. “Dude!” He raised his palm high in the hair.

    Xander, his face morphing into a comical blend of fear and puzzlement, slapped Dan’s hand. He backed away a step, wiped his face.

    “I knew my little Buggy was a sweet ride,” Dan said, “but Jimbo flipped for it, man. Said he had one like it in college and had to have it.”

    “Jimbo?” Xander said.

    “Jim . . . Jim . . .” Dan said, scrunching his face, searching for a last name. “You know . . .”

    “Taksidian?” David said.

    “That’s it,” Dan said. “How ya doing, little dude?” He backhanded David’s shoulder.

    David rubbed the spot. “Better,” he said, and thought, Now that you’re not going to kill my brother.

    “He’s one creepy dude, isn’t he?” Dan said. “That Jimbo.

    Oops, sorry . . . what is he, your uncle or something?”

    “Something,” Xander said.

    “Hey, listen,” Dan said, becoming serious. “I know I should probably give you something. You know, a finder’s fee. But me and my dad are going car shopping this weekend, and I don’t know what I’m going to need. Those add-ons can get expensive, I hear. GPS, thousand-watt amps, stuff like that.”

    “That’s okay,” Xander said. “I’m just glad you’re cool with the deal.”

    “Cool? Ha! I’m ice cold.” He cocked his head, seeming to think about his words. “Ice cold in a good way,” he clarified.

    “Hey, gotta run. Thanks, buddy. I owe you one.” He sought another high five, and Xander gave it to him. Then he was off, marching down the long hall.

    “That guy’s in your class?” David asked.

    “I think he was held back.”

    “Taksidian works fast.”

    “Yeah,” Xander said, something on his mind. “He does.”

    “Now I do have to go to the bathroom,” David said. He hurried around the corner, past the lockers, where some kids were still mingling, and into the bathroom.

    A boy was washing his hands when they entered. David stepped up to a urinal. Xander pushed open each of the three stall doors. The kid left, and David went to the sink.

    “David,” Xander whispered. “Get in.” He jerked his head toward a stall. “Hurry.”


    “Hurry. There are always last-minute potty-breakers. Get in before they see us.”

    David shook his head and went into the stall.

    “Lock the door,” Xander instructed. “Put your feet up.” He went into the next stall.

    “You’re going through the locker portal, aren’t you?” David whispered.


    Someone entered the bathroom. A urinal flushed. Footsteps echoed away.

    Oh, wash your hands , David thought.

    “You can’t go through the locker,” he said. “We’re supposed to be in school. They’ll tell Dad.”

    “This is our chance, Dae,” Xander said. “Do what we can, when we can, remember?”

    “Yeah, but—”

    “This is when . Old Jesse said to get back to see Young Jesse soon. It’s important. Keal’s not going to be home for a while. He’s gotta get the

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