Where's Hansel and Gretel's Gingerbread House?: A Gabby Grimm Fairy Tale Mystery #2
think he was hot stuff because he was riding shotgun for
the FBI on an organized crime case.
    The last thing I saw as the federal sedan
drove off was Annette’s stricken face at the back window. She
seemed to have doubts about what she was going to do, and frankly,
I was more than a little apprehensive myself. My only consolation
was that I really did think Will would do everything in his power
to keep her safe. Would it be enough?
    I stopped for coffee and a burger about an
hour later, sitting at one of the little tables with the attached
chairs at a McDonald’s. My fanny wasn’t overly fond of the hard
seat. No matter how I tried to adjust myself, there was just no
cushioning for my bruised bum.
    By the time I rolled into the garage up at
the farmhouse, it was well after ten. I found Ervina in the family
room, the clack-clack-clack of her loom keeping a steady beat. She
was making a lap blanket out of the wool she carded and spun,
courtesy of her small herd of Angora goats.
    “How did it go?” she wanted to know.
    “Like butter. They took her back to New York
to help them with the case.” I sat for a moment. “Nettie’s got it
bad for that agent.”
    “Does she? I suspected as much. What’s he
    “Nice enough. He seems to have it bad for
her, too. I caught them exchanging kisses.”
    “Oh, how lovely.”
    “Not really. They can’t fool around as long
as there is an active case and during the prosecution phase.” I
scratched one of the farm cats under the chin and was rewarded with
a purr. “It might put a damper on the romance, especially if it’s
just about the lust.
    “Then again, if it’s meant to be, it will
be.” Ervina is a big believer in what she likes to call kismet. She
thinks that if two people belong together, they will recognize it
and find a way. Me? I think love is often thwarted by stubbornness
and stupidity. How many people throw away a perfectly good
relationship in favor of the new, untested options? Looks can be
deceiving. The unknown can seem exciting on the surface, and as you
get closer to the center, you find a dud. It’s like when you look
at a box of assorted chocolates. They all look tasty on the
outside, but it’s what’s inside that matters. I’m a firm believer
that when you find a good man, you stick with him, and when the
going gets tough or there’s a lull in the hoo-hah department, you
get busy. Sometimes you have no choice but to make your own
    “I guess we’ll have to leave them to sort it
out. Thanks for letting us use your van,” I said to her, giving her
a quick hug on my way out. “Tell Gerhard I said good night.”
    “I will. Get some rest. Remember, you’re
still healing.”
    Puss was waiting at the top of the stairs, a
plaintive howl rising in the air as I unlocked the door and let
myself in. I gave him his propers, including a scratch behind the
ears, before tossing his catnip mouse across the floor. He slid
across the wood floor, smacking the felt figure around with his
paws until it disappeared under the sofa.
    I checked my emails. Another message from
“Harry Mann”.
    Dear Fraulein Grimm -- I regret to inform you
that your marzipan Christmas pig and your Schladerer pralines are
currently out of stock. We hope to ship them soon for arrival by
December 24. Yours sincerely, Harry Mann

Chapter Twelve --
    Great. It was bad enough that Sam would be
away for the holiday. Now it looked like I might not get his gift
in time. Sam knew the marzipan Christmas pig was a traditional
German custom, one I had loved since childhood. He also knew those
pralines are one of my weaknesses. Well, at least I wouldn’t have
to worry about temptations this Christmas, I told myself. I was too
bummed out to eat candy. The only sweets I wanted were Sam’s hungry
kisses, and if I couldn’t have those, I didn’t much care about
anything else.
    I climbed into bed just before eleven,
deciding that I was fine to go back into work in the morning.

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