Where the Allegheny Meets the Monongahela
    wasn‘t.‖ How could he possibly explain something he didn‘t even
    understand himself? “ Maybe I‘m having my midlife crisis early?‖
    ―Ahh, ever the overachiever,‖ Trudy joked. ―Well, good luck.‖
    She turned to leave the small room but tossed over her shoulder, ―By
    the way, I‘m expecting a ride when it‘s done.‖
    Nick called after her, ―Oh, you bet. It‘ll be your retirement gift.‖

    THAT Wednesday night, it was Logan‘s turn with Trudy. His ten-
    minute stint in the waiting room seemed longer than usual, as he
    couldn‘t even fake any interest in the scanty choice of magazines. He
    spent the time fighting off the desire to snooze even though the springs
    of the ancient couch were aggravating his sore muscles; several restless
    nights had left Logan feeling like a faded washrag. Can’t seem to sleep
    a full night through. Goddamn hot weather, never used to bother me….
    To his relief, the session started on a much sweeter note than
    usual. After he dropped into the guest chair, Trudy welcomed him by
    noting brightly, ―Sister Ciera stopped by Monday morning to tell me all
    about the day at Kennywood. It seems your daughters had a wonderful
    time—and so did you.‖
    Felicia Watson

    ―Yeah, it was good.‖ Logan paused and looked out the office
    window without really seeing the passing traffic. ―Good seein‘ them
    without… seein‘ them like that.‖
    ―Ciera also said you were a big help with the young kids.‖ Trudy
    added with a genuine grin, ―Knowing that crowd, I‘d say that was
    almost going above and beyond.‖
    Logan ducked his head and shifted his line of sight to the floor.
    ―Don‘t know why she said that. She did most of the work.‖
    Trudy retorted, ―I don‘t hand out many compliments, Logan. You
    should learn to take them when I do.‖
    Rather than telling the truth, that all he wanted from Trudy was
    her signature on a piece of paper, Logan offered a quiet, ―Yes, ma‘am.‖
    A sly note snuck into Trudy‘s voice as she said, ―It also seems
    like someone else was impressed with your effort.‖
    At that declaration, Logan‘s head and stomach shot in opposite
    directions—gaze snapping to Trudy‘s face while the other sank to the
    floor. ―Who?‖
    ―Your wife.‖
    The anxiety Logan had felt while waiting for Nick Zales‘s name
    to pass Trudy‘s lips only ratcheted up at that unexpected response.
    ―Who—how‘d you hear that?‖
    ―I spoke to her directly yesterday morning. And I have good
    ―You‘re gonna sign that affidavit?‖
    ―Um, no. Not yet. I meant that Linda has agreed to joint
    counseling sessions.‖ Logan was silent while he chewed over the
    thought that apparently Trudy Gerard had no idea what constituted
    good news for him. Before he could develop a response, she continued,
    ―It doesn‘t look like you consider that good news. Why not?‖
    ―I just want…. This ain‘t gonna be about hashing over all that
    stuff from March, is it? ‘Cause I don‘t see the point in that.‖
    ―You don‘t?‖
    Fuck, lady, ain’t I been punished enough? ―No.‖

    Where the Allegheny Meets the Monongahela

    Leaning forward, Trudy slid her forearms across her desk and
    trained earnest mahogany eyes on Logan. ―How do you expect to get
    back together with Linda if the two of you can‘t discuss the abusive
    incident? If you remember, I told you when we began our sessions that
    taking responsibility was a prerequisite for entering into couples
    ―I did take responsibility. What do you call standin‘ up in court
    and pleadin‘ guilty?‖
    ―I call that accepting the blame. There‘s a difference.‖
    ―Oh yeah?‖ Logan folded his arms and snapped, ―Well, why
    don‘t ya explain the difference to me? ‘Cause from where I‘m sittin‘,
    they‘re the same damn thing.‖
    ―Accepting responsibility means you stop calling it an accident;
    stop making it sound like you backed into Linda‘s car or

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