When Its Least Expected

When Its Least Expected by Heather Van Fleet Page B

Book: When Its Least Expected by Heather Van Fleet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Van Fleet
Tags: Perfect Timing#1
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     apparently too lost in the moment. His hands slid up and down her outer thighs again.
     She plunged her fingers into his back, needing him to never let go.
    Harley was a furnace, hot, boiling, and Mason was the thermostat, finding ways to
    the temperature up on her over and over again. Mason Daniel was by no means inexperienced.
    This should have bothered her, made her want to push him away, but she didn’t, she
    She wanted to be his student, and she wanted him to teach her all that he knew.
    “Damn it, Harley, I know you’re in there, and I know you are not alone too. So open
    God damn door before I break it down!” David’s voice shook. Mason pulled back and
    down at her. Longing and heat were there in his eyes. Damn her brother had some crappy
    He rolled off of her and onto his back, and she wanted to cry out in disappointment.
    breathing was out of control, she was suffocating, and then he leaned over her once
    placing one last lingering kiss upon the corner of her mouth. The entire room moved,
     or maybe it was just her head. Then he was gone, jumping off the bed and gathering
     his stuff with that shit eating grin crossed over his lips. How was he not as affected
     as she was?
    She palmed her face. What in the hell had she been thinking? This boy was a player,
    epitome of a player, and suddenly, Harley wasn’t so needy anymore. Instead, she was
     pissed, and he would definitely feel her wrath. “Get out of my room, Mason Daniel,”
     she sat up quickly, pulling her sweatshirt down and rearranging her well-loved hair.
     She balled her hands into her lap, “Right now.”
    His eyes and lips widened. He had the balls to look upset at her? Oh, hell to the
    no. She was so not falling for his playboy antics again. He could find himself another toy to play
    “What,” he grinned finally, obviously overcoming his temporary sadness. She heard
    humor in his voice, and she swallowed the sudden blurry tears that built in her eyes.
     “You can’t handle some fun, little beast? Because you know … I’ve got plenty more
     tricks where that came from, trust me.” Damn … this had been a bad mistake.
    Screw the crazy, mad, needy lunatic that had taken up shop in her head earlier. She
     had a
    new emotion coming to town … hatred. She jumped off the bed as Mason lifted a leg
     out of the window. He looked back at her; their eyes locked together before he completely
     disappeared out the window. “Goodnight then, little beast and you are more than welcome
     by the way.” He
    winked, and without an inkling of control left in her body, Harley whipped the half
     eaten gallon of melted chocolate ice cream at his head. Of course she missed, and
     the crap dripped
    everywhere, leaving a drippy, sticky mess all over her bed and floor.
    “Son of a…”
    “You missed…” he snickered from the other side of the window.
    Stupid, arrogant, jerk face!
    But somewhere along the line, Mason had managed to steal a tiny piece of Harley’s
    and taken it with him through that stupid window. She wanted to beg him, plead with
     him even, to give it back to her, because he was well on his way to breaking her heart
     if he didn’t.

Chapter Nine
    It had been almost a week since Mason had snuck out of Harley’s window, and he still
    felt like an ass about it. To his credit though, she hadn’t brought up that night
     or what had happened between them either. Nor did she even try talking to him. He
     still didn’t know what came over him when he’d kissed her, touched her, but he also
     knew one thing was for sure … he couldn’t wait to do it again.
    Possibly even do it a lot.
    Who knew that the muddy eyed girls, with the snarky attitudes, could enchant him,
    Mason Daniel, AKA the perpetual teenage bachelor and self-proclaimed ladies’ man?
    Mason had been fighting his feelings for Harley since day one; there was no denying

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