When It Rains: The Umbrella Collection
quiet.  I heard the sound of the recliner slamming its foot rest back into its normal position, then the front door open.
    “Hey, man.   I fell asleep. You want to come in for a sec?” Darren asked as he opened the door to let in the man.
    As the door shut, I pulled myself away from where I was hiding and raced back to Mike’s car in the shadows of the night, trying not to be seen.   I hopped in and closed the door.  It was difficult to breathe in air as I gasped trying to catch my breath and come to terms with just happened.  The taste of the gun still lingered in my mouth and my body was still trembling with adrenaline.  I placed the gun back into my purse, threw my purse onto the passenger side floor and started the car.  I pulled away just as the front door to the blue house opened.
    Pills and Potatoes
        I pulled into the driveway of my house and slammed on the brakes almost crashing into my own car that sat still in front, threw the car into park and hustled inside.  My heart was beating out of my chest and there was sweat dripping from my forehead.  As I opened the front door and put one foot inside I was greeted by a not so happy Mike.  He was fuming, as usual. 
    “W hy the hell did you take my car,” he screamed as he raised his fist up in the air.  I could tell by his position that he was pacing up and down the hallway and he was in the middle of a step when I interrupted by entering.
    “I just went to see Skylar real quick.   Sorry, I couldn’t find my keys.”
    “Have you ever heard of asking?”
    I began to ascend the stairs after I gave Mike his keys and halfway up I turned to say, “You were sleeping.  If I would have waked you, you would have yelled, but here you are yelling at me.  So, I guess it didn’t matter.  Now, did it?” and I turned and stomped up the steps.  Right before I slammed my door, the sound of the front door being slammed shut by Mike shook the walls.
    I sat down on the chair at my white Shabby-chic desk, my heart pounding and the thoughts of what happened today eclipsed every other thought that was trying to burst its way through.   I dropped my purse and when I did a loud thud permeated the room.  I knew instantly what it was and I clutched it with my hands and left my room.  I walked straight and then made a left into Pops room and back into the closet I was earlier.  Then spun the dial of the safe to open it and returned the gun to its rightful place.
    I felt the need to numb myself once again.  There was too much going on in my head.  I needed to disappear and runaway from my own thoughts and went to Pops medicine cabinet.  I found his bottle for sleeping pills and took a few with me. Each step I took back to my bedroom the more heavy with emotions I became, my shoulders slumped down low and my head not far behind.  Once inside, I locked the door and undressed. I felt dirty, like the sinister tears and thoughts melted themselves onto my clothing.  I hopped in the shower and let the hot water engross me.  I scrubbed myself until I felt raw with hopes of cleaning the pain away.  It didn’t work.  I felt just as disgusted as before.  After putting on my pajamas, I took a few of Pops’ pills and then a few of Mike’s pills that I took from his backpack earlier and waited with eagerness to fall deeply into a sleep. 
    Hours later, I was passed out in bed, when I was startled out of my sleep. “Huh, Diablo?” I said still half asleep.  I looked up on my wall and gazed at the clock, it read 4:43.  I quickly rose from bed and slipped on my slippers and poke my head out my door.  There was nobody on the steps.  I tiptoed across the landing and knocked on Pops’ door.
    “Pops?” I asked quietly as I knocked a few more times.
    After a minute, he finally answered and opened the door a few inches, “What?  Do you know how late it is?”
    “Yeah, Yeah, Did you hear Diablo?”
    “No, I

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