When All Else Fails

When All Else Fails by J. M. Dabney

Book: When All Else Fails by J. M. Dabney Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Dabney
Tags: Sappho's Kiss
stuttering movements, she pulled back and surged to her feet, Eva’s leg wrapping around her waist. “Touch me,” she groaned against Eva’s mouth.
    When Eva’s hand slipped between their bodies, the kiss turned rough. Eva’s soft fingertips found her aching clit, and she shuddered as she mirrored her lover’s movements. Leaning all her weight on Eva, she pinned her to the wall. Their mouths never lost contact. It was labored breaths and quick strokes on her clit while Andrea thrust deep inside Eva. Finding her sweet spot, she used her thumb to stroke the hard nub with tight circles.
    Sweat-slicked skin slid together, and their nipples grazed upper chest and abdomen. It was out of control and perfect; they fed at each other. They were a mess of rolling hips, nails clawing at shoulders and backs, and fingers propelling them closer to the edge.
    Their kiss finally broke, moans building in intensity and screams hovering on the precipice. Gasping supplications for more, she demanded harder and faster.
    “Andrea, I love—”
    Eva sank her teeth into her lower lip, and her movements faltered in rhythm. “Say it, baby, tell me.”
    The twisting pleasure/pain of her orgasm built as the tenuous grasp on her control slipped.
    “I love you, Andrea.” The words stutter-stepped, and Eva forced them through panted moans.
    “I love you, too, Eva. Come for me.” She relentlessly attacked her G-spot, and the pulsing turned to a tight, strangling grip. The sexy rush of liquid signaled her lover’s full loss of control. The scream piercing the air triggered her. She slammed her pelvis to Eva’s, trapped their hands between them, and groaned loud and deep alongside Eva’s throat.
    They shook and panted, thighs trembling, and somehow they ended up lying on the floor, Eva cradled to her chest. Eva’s heart beat a quickened rhythm against her breast, and her breaths ruffled sweat-dampened red curls.
    She couldn’t control herself. She kept stroking Eva to prove she existed, that it hadn’t been a dream, and her partner had forgiven her. Days of worry—hell, months and years of doubting herself—caught up with her. To relax and be where she’d always wanted made her stress melt away. She drifted to sleep to the soft brush of lips on her throat.

Chapter Fifteen
    Curls sticking up at odd angles, Eva shoved them from her face and, with half-opened eyes, started the coffee pot. Andrea had kept her up until the early hours of the morning, but no way would she complain. She swore she would wear a permanent smile, along with flushed cheeks. Reaching up, she opened the cabinet and pulled down two oversized mugs.
    “When are you going to stop wearing clothes I just have to take off you?” She chuckled at Andrea’s sleepy, teasing voice and looked over her shoulder to where she stood in the kitchen doorway, naked and gorgeous.
    “You’re going to have to learn to wear clothes for when the kids are around.”
    “When are our heathens going to be home?”
    “Our, really?”
    “Of course, I’m Aunt Andy, hopefully stepmom one of these days.”
    Grinning, she untied the robe and let it fall to the floor. “Now, that’s what I love to see.” Warm, slender arms slipped around her, and Andrea’s lips brushed her shoulder, leaving a love bite there.
    “Don’t get used to it. My parents are nudists, not me.” She smiled wider at Andrea’s chuckle.
    “What will Carl and Janice think about us?” Andrea asked.
    “I don’t think they’ll have any complaints. If their grandchildren and I are happy, then they will be as well.”
    “What are your thoughts on more kids?”
    She tensed and spun in Andrea’s arms. Narrowing her eyes, she focused on her expression, searching for a twinkle of amusement. “You’re not joking?”
    “It’s not a prerequisite to a relationship. I thought I would ask and let you know I wouldn’t mind maybe one or two. Only if you agree. Bradley and Jenny are going away to college

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