What the Lightning Sees: Part Two
break free, and hooked his hands over my shoulders, his fingers pulling me onto him. The sensation of the leather tightening around my wrists, a few whispers of pain mixed with the pleasure of him plunging deep, turned the fizz of the beginning of my climax into a buzz. I wanted to freeze time. That way I knew he’d never leave me. We could stay this way, a second away from ecstasy, safe, never quite letting go.
    He watched me, our eyes locked as he moved above me, dragging my orgasm from every part of my body.
    “Now, Haven. Come for me,” he instructed, and my body gave him what he wanted as I tensed and I came, juddering around him.
    From somewhere I heard him shouting—indecipherable sounds of desperation and desire that intensified my climax and merged our bodies further into each other.
    As his muscles relaxed above me, he reached to loosen the grip of the leather and pulled my hands free. I wrapped them round his neck and he dragged me closer as he rolled to his back, still inside me. Somehow, I needed him nearer to me. I moved my hands from his neck and tried to pull at his chest, his waist, but my hands couldn’t grasp him.
    “Hey,” he said as he grabbed my hands and kissed my wrists.
    “Jake,” I said, my voice quivering. I needed to know he wasn’t going anywhere. I wanted him closer.
    “Hey,” he repeated and looked at me. I glanced away, not wanting him to see my glassy eyes. “What—?” He pulled out and I whimpered.
    “No!” I said.
    He sat up, took the condom off and discarded it on the floor. He searched my face, looking for reasons for my outburst. How did I explain that I couldn’t have him gone, not even for a second?
    “Talk to me, Haven.”
    “I want you near me,” was all I could say. How did I say that now that he’d cracked me open and shone a light into the darkest parts of me, I belonged to him? He might get bored, discard me, find someone who deserved him, but I would always be his.
    He pulled me onto his lap, his arms engulfing me. It felt good, better, but not enough. I wrapped myself around his waist and buried my face into the hard muscle of his chest.
    “Don’t leave me,” I mumbled against his skin.
    “What? I’m not going anywhere.” He was talking about tonight, but I meant forever.

    Sex had always been a physical activity before Haven. With her, something shifted and it became holistic, elemental. It was as if she reached into my soul when she allowed me inside her. And holding her afterward, so vulnerable in my arms, I wondered if maybe it might be like that for her, too.
    My dick twitched underneath her, and I tried to think of anything but how she felt, smelled and tasted. I didn’t want her to think I didn’t want to talk. She moved slightly and I could tell she’d noticed.
    “I’m sorry. You’re beautiful and naked and, well, that’s biology.”
    She half smiled and reached between us. I grasped her wrist. “No, Haven. I can’t . . . ”
    “You can’t fuck me again?” She looked confused, hurt maybe.
    “I can’t stop myself getting hard if you touch me. I’ll make love to you as long as you’ll let me.”
    “I want you hard,” she said as she twisted her hand away from my grip and clasped my erection. I groaned at the thought she might want me as much as I wanted her. I didn’t need to hold back.
    She shifted and slid her knees to either side of my thighs, my dick still in her fist as she dragged up my length. Having her naked gave me endless ideas about what I was going to do with her. And I wanted to do it all now. I reached forward, cupping her tits in my hands, twisting her nipples.
    Her breathing stumbled and I grabbed her hips, pulling her toward me. She knew what I wanted. I was hard and I needed to feel her all around me. She grasped my shoulders and trailed her delicious, wet slit up and down my dick, twisting her body slightly as my crown hit her clitoris. She buried her head in my neck.
    “Jake,” she whimpered.

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