What Might Have Been

What Might Have Been by Kira Sinclair

Book: What Might Have Been by Kira Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Sinclair
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longer than she cared to remember.
    The rough bark bit into her skin. In the morning she’d be covered in scratches. Right now, she didn’t give a damn.
    What she did care about was the way he pressed into her body, the hard length of his erection sitting just where she needed it most. Her sex burned, an ache that only he could ease. And he was so close. Relief was so close. All that stood in the way of that moment were the flimsy shorts she still wore.
    And the realization that neither of them had birth control. It wasn’t as if she’d expected this to happen when she’d thrown on her running clothes. And even if Luke had…his clothes were still at the pond apparently.
    With a groan, she shook her head. “Sonofabitch.”
    Luke let out a shocked laugh, more a burst of sound and air than amusement. “My thoughts exactly.”
    As he eased away from her, she thought he was going to let her go…end it all right here, right now. Her body protested, her hands clinging to his arms, a whimper leaking through her parted lips.
    What surprised her was his moving back in, whispering, “Shh,” against her lips. He wasn’t going to leave her panting and burning.
    His hand made its way beneath the thin barrier of cloth, finding the slippery heart of her sex. Her world al most imploded simply from his touch. Her vision grayed at the edges and her eyes automatically slid shut. She wasn’t sure if she still breathed…wasn’t sure it mattered one way or the other. If she died now, like this, then at least she would be happy.
    A single finger slipped inside her, and then another.The walls of her sex spasmed on the pleasure of the intrusion.
    He began to work her, slowly at first, but quickly realizing that she was so close to the edge it wouldn’t take much. His fingers slid in and out, his thumb rubbed the nub of flesh above. Her body tightened, fighting for and against what he offered her.
    Her hips pumped against him, her back pushing tight into the trunk of the tree. Pain and pleasure mingled so tightly she couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended.
    He whispered in her ear, words she couldn’t decipher, words that didn’t matter. She only knew he pushed her on, higher, harder, faster.
    A scream erupted from her throat as her body quaked and gave in to what he wanted, gave in to him.
    The release was staggering. The best orgasm she’d ever had. But it wasn’t enough. Even as her mind floated away she knew there was more.
    She was unsatisfied. She wanted Luke. And she wanted him now.
    N EED POUNDED THROUGH his body, like the ebb and flow of a tide, sucking against the sand and pulling it out to sea. His desire for her was a living thing, a force he couldn’t possibly conquer.
    And he needed her now.
    More than this childish grope in the dark, he wanted to see her, feel her, taste and consume her.
    He wanted everything she’d give him.
    And then he wanted more.
    She still sagged against the tree, her eyes closed, her lungs sucking in air. He could wait for her to recover, coax her into coming back to his room where he had a handful of condoms.
    But why?
    She might come to her senses and decide that they’d gone far enough, or think what they’d done so far was a mistake. He wasn’t taking that chance.
    Leaning down, he swept her legs out from under her, toppling her back into his other arm, and crushed her to his body.
    Her squeak of surprise might have been funny, if he’d been coherent enough to notice. What he did perceive was the way she wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him and pulling herself even closer into his hold.
    She shifted against him, rolling her body so that her breasts pressed solidly against his bare chest and her face buried snugly into the crook of his neck. He could feel the rise and fall of her breaths against his skin, the tormenting rub as her nipples slid up and

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