What happened in Vegas: Didn't Stay In Vegas!
didn ’ t want to talk to me? Then I realized, it was his
recording coming on, I took a deep breath and decided against
leaving a message. Now I had to speak to him, so I called the
    I dialled the
hospital number from heart. Locating answered and I requested to
speak to Dr. Hart, the cardiologist not the CEO. The lady asked who
I was. I told her it was Dr. St. Clare. She asked me to hold,
telling me she was paging him. She came back on the line and
said, “ Here he is. ”
    There was a
second pause. I was so nervous, “ Bradley? ”
    “Chanel? Where
are you? ”
    “Hi Bradley, I
tried your house, ” explaining why I had called the
hospital to speak to him. I ignored his question and waited for him
to control of the conversation.
    “I ’ m glad you called here. We need to talk, can I
see you? ” Alpha male wants to see me. I was feeling like
there was a glimmer of hope!
    “Sure, I would
love to but I ’ m not
home. ” Did he notice me missing from the hospital? Had Chase
spoken with him about me asking for a leave of absence?
    “Where are
you? ”
    “I needed to
get away. I ’ ll be back soon. Can
it wait or did you want to talk now? ” If it was hospital
related then he would have spoken to me now, so I could narrow it
down that he called for personal reasons.
    “It will have
to wait. ” Woo hoot, personal!
    Now, I was thinking he wanted to do this to
my face, so it had to be serious, but what could be worse than
breaking up with me or going to his brother and making it so I
never work with him again. Shit, even the thought of what he did
got me into a bad mood.
    “Did you want
me to call you when I land? ” He needed to know
that he drove me away. My destination wasn ’ t important,
just that I left. Switching me over to another cardiologist really
hurt my feelings and eventually I was going to let him
    “Please call,
and Chanel. ” His voice sounded so hot when he
whispered my name into the receiver.
Bradley ”
    “Thanks for
calling back. ” There was a pause where neither of us
hanged up and I listened to him breath. In a low voice he ordered
me to, “ Hang up first. ”
    I liked hearing
him, even if it was just breathing, “ No
you, ” I challenged.
    “I ’ m going to need to discipline you when I see
you, ” he threatened. It was getting me hot.
    “Discipline me
how? ” I whispered, wanting all the details.
    It sounded like
he was going to say something else and then he changed his
mind, “ I ’ m getting another
page, I have to let you go. ”
    We both said good-bye.
    I resumed my
worship of the sun, but now, I was happier. I had something to look
forward to when I got home. I thought that if we stayed on the
phone any longer and he was anywhere else but at the hospital, we
probably would have resorted to phone sex to tide us over. I
couldn ’ t call him back later, because it would have been too
weird talking to Bradley right in front of Nick, which reminded me,
I wonder if he made the reservations yet.
    I texted Nick:
    Chanel: Did u make the reservations yet?
    Nick: I did, they r 4 6:30.
That ’ s great. I ’ m just going to pick
up a sandwich 4 lunch. Do u want me 2 get u 1 & leave it in the
room 4 u?
    Nick: No thxs,
I had a buffet at Circus Circus, I ’ m good until I c
    I went back to
the room at 5:30 after I treated myself to a new dress from a
little boutique in Caesars Palace. I chose a red evening gown and
the most gorgeous 4 inch patent leather Gucci pumps
I ’ d ever seen in my life, and for $700 I was going to
wear them any chance I could get. Snowball would be so proud! By
the time I was finished dressing, I took my own breath
    I went down to the restaurant and Nick was
waiting for me out front. He was wearing a black suit I saw him in
once before, and he had his haircut very short. His olive skin had
a glow to it and he looked amazing.
    We air kissed
each other. He stood in front of the restaurant spinning his

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