What happened in Vegas: Didn't Stay In Vegas!
want to meet? ”
    “The Prime
Steakhouse, my treat. I ’ ll make reservations
and text you. ”
    “Sure. ”
    I stepped into
the luxurious multi-jet shower enclosed completely in glass. Except
for a tiny bit of condensation, Nick had a perfect view of me
showering and I could see I had his undivided attention. He had
laid his brush and blow dryer down on the counter and
didn ’ t move. He liked the visual. When I stepped out he was
kind enough to wrap a long towel around my body.
    “Don ’ t sulk over Bradley.
Have fun today and forget about him. ”
    I fingered
Nick ’ s spikes, “ I
can ’ t forget about him. He had every right to get mad
after we did what we did. ”
    “I still
don ’ t like him. He ’ s
arrogant. ”
    “You ’ re not the one who
has to like him. Do you think he ’ ll get back with
me? ”
    Nick looked
frustrated, “ He would be stupid
not to. He did ask about you when I was standing in line at
Tim ’ s. I hate it when you talk about
Prick! ”
    “You mean
Throb, ” I corrected.
Chanel, ” and Nick gave me this look he always gives when
he thinks he knows better, “ he graduated,
remember? ”
    Nick dressed
quickly and then grabbed his wallet and phone, he started out the
door, “ I ’ ll text you what time
to meet for dinner, so have your phone with you. ”
    Nick was acting
moody. I had no clue why talking about Bradley bothered him so
much. Nick was acting like Bradley was as a threat to him, but he
shouldn ’ t be because all Nick and I were, were friends.
Whenever I talked about Bradley now, Nick would get all menstrual
on me.
    I put my bathing suit on packed my bag to
head for the pool making sure my phone was on and the volume turned
up. My phone was powered down so when I put it back on it started
flashing. I waited for it to load and then checked my answering
machine before I left the room. I typed the code into my phone to
hear my messages. There were three:
    1: Nick, “ Coco, I bumped into Bradley at Tim ’ s and he asked
where you were. Where are you? ”
Bradley: “ It ’ s Bradley, give me a
call. ” (His voice was deep, sexy, and sweet all at the
same time!) I wasn ’ t sure what I would
say and if I should call from here or wait until I get back to
Toronto. I would have to talk to Nick about it. (If he would let
    3: Aria: “ Hi Chanel, its Aria. I just wanted to give you a heads up;
it didn ’ t work out between Nick and me. We totally have
to get together when you get back and have a girl
talk! ” (I couldn ’ t wait to hear her
side of the story. I just hope I could keep myself together and not
    The pool was
almost deserted today because Nevada people think 82 degrees is
cold. I took the same lawn chair I laid in yesterday and did my
routine of the oil and the sunglasses. I closed my eyes and thought
of Bradley. I tormented myself over the big question, should I call
him or shouldn ’ t I? I decided to
call. I was scared about what he was going to say, but I decided to
get it over with.
    I looked for my
contacts icon on my phone but it was too bright to make out the
names, so I had to move to a shaded area. I scanned my contacts and
found Bradley ’ s name and
    My heart was pounding; I tasted vile from
nerves rise up my throat. I knew if he picked on my fear, I would
be tempted to just to hang up. I scolded myself for thinking that
way; I was thirty-five and way too old to crank call.
    One ring. I
told myself to breath, this was going to be okay. I started
mimicking Lamaze. Two rings. I panicked, what if it goes to voice
mail, I hadn ’ t thought of that,
I ’ ll probably say something retarded and have no way of
deleting it, and then I ’ ll have to face him
in a couple of days, totally embarrassed over what I said. Three
rings, Omg voice mail is next and then I heard a click noise, I
stopped breathing thinking did he pick up the phone? Does Bradley
have call display? Did he pick it up and then hang it up because

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