What About Love (Club Decadence Book 6)

What About Love (Club Decadence Book 6) by Maddie Taylor

Book: What About Love (Club Decadence Book 6) by Maddie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddie Taylor
care about scorecards or punch counts, he always said the only thing that really mattered was who was still standing when the bell rang.”
    Without another word or mimicking the ringing of a bell—although both were on the tip of her tongue and it killed her not to, refraining because she knew he could have crushed her if he really wanted to—she flicked her hand out, two fingers extended in dismissal, as she’d seen him do many times in the past. Despite her screaming muscles, her step was light as she left the gym. His laughter, low and beautiful, followed in her wake.
    Angie’s heart twisted painfully. She was in so much trouble.
    “Three women, each approximately thirty years of age, tall, ranging between five feet ten and six feet tall, all fit, attractive, with long hair. They had something else in common. All were experienced submissives, unattached and actively pursuing a Dom.” When Eric Dupree, the managing partner at Decadence LA finished his run down, the screen switched from the pictures of the three missing women back to his handsome face.
    What Angie had noticed when he’d first signed on—an extraordinarily attractive man with startling blue eyes, dark blond hair, and a closely trimmed pencil beard, which, if not for its presence, would have made his classical features too pretty—now didn’t register as she stared at the screen. One word kept repeating in her head, unattached.
    “This changes everything,” T murmured from his seat beside her.
    “Is there a problem?” Eric asked.
    “Yeah, we’d planned to go in as a couple.”
    “That won’t do. These women were very public about their pursuit of a new dominant. They also weren’t shy about their play, exhibitionists each one.” Eric’s astute gaze locked on her face for a moment, switching to T briefly and finally moving on to Cap. “There’s one other thing they had in common.”
    T shifted beside her—impatient. “Spill it, Dupree!”
    “They all rode the carousel within a few days of their disappearance.”
    “Shit!” Cap’s curse echoed in the large conference room.
    “Fuck me!” added T, in more of a growl than a shout.
    “What’s the carousel?”
    There was a long silence as the men looked at each other.
    “It’s a piece of equipment unique to Decadence LA.” Eric’s tone and his reluctance to give other than that vague explanation was disturbing.
    “You don’t have to do it, Angie,” Cap affirmed.
    “But if the others did it…” She glanced at T, whose face was tight, a muscle jumping steadily in his jaw. “T?” When he didn’t answer, she scanned through Cap who was just as tense and back to Eric. Getting a really bad feeling, she asked him, “How bad can it be?”
    “This is fucked!” T barked unexpectedly. “We need to come up with a different plan. I’m not thrilled about a newbie going in and posing as bait for this whack job anyway, but this is asking too much.”
    She gazed at him, warmed by the concern in his face, although still in the dark as to what the three men were so upset over. “If this is the best way to catch him and put him away, T, I’ve got to do it. I couldn’t live with myself if another woman is taken, or something happens to one of those subs because I was a little skittish over a spanking or some nudity.”
    “You have no idea what you’re agreeing to.”
    “Then tell me.
    His eyes locked with Eric’s on screen. She watched the emotions shift across his face. Everyone seemed to be waiting for his decision, as if he was really her Dom and had that right. She was about to speak up and insist when his hands found hers on the table and squeezed.
    “You’re very courageous, Angie. Most women, bad ass ex-cops no exception, would be bailing on this assignment. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
    “No. Although in three days’ time with your help, I will be.”
    “Correction, two days.” They both sent Cap an inquiring look. He nodded, confirming

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