
WetWeb by Robert Haney

Book: WetWeb by Robert Haney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Haney
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sanitation and hospitals and vaccinations; and we survived.
    “When man entered the rocket age, we developed plutonium and hydrogen based weapons that harnessed the power of the atom, the fabric our dimension was ripped open with devastating effect.  Man was now capable of destroying the earth in a flash.  But we recognized this danger and we organized our nations, we developed treaties and missile defense systems and international regulatory agencies, and again, we survived.
    “Next we embarked upon the information age…
    The sound of Hans Hoobler’s voice faded into a background buzz; instead Franklin began to listen to the thumping pulse of his heartbeat.  From across the hall, the black wave that topped Doug’s head appeared in the doorway and by catching glimpses of motion through the crowd, Franklin could see that Doug was escorting two girls.  Franklin had a date.
    Franklin watched Hans Hoobler complete his speech but did not hear the words.  When the crowd laughed, Franklin laughed, when the crowd cheered, Franklin cheered.  Franklin’s mind was now captivated by the girls that Doug had brought. One he had not seen before.  He was sure this one was with Doug.  The other was his date.  He had seen her often.  She was one of the girls that liked to hang around with Doug and his popular friends.
    After the speech ended, there was a long applause and the doors of the Hall opened.  Cool night air quickly drew the crowd outside.  Franklin moved with ebb and flow of students. 
    Doug and the girls were waiting in the lighted quad outside the Hall.  Franklin approached casually and said;
    “Hello Doug”
    Doug was brief.  Speaking to the girl that Franklin recognized he said;
    “This is him, this is Tempo”
    Then looking at Franklin, Doug said,
    “Tempo, meet Dolly”
    With that, Doug put his long arm around the new girl and they stepped out of the brightly lit quad and into the dim moonlit path leading back towards the student dormitory.
    “Hello” Franklin managed.
    Dolly smiled and said, “Where shall we go?”
    Franklin had no plan.  He felt a little light headed.  He was happy when Dolly said,
    “There’s a coffee shop across campus. I think they are still open.”
    They set out across on the walk and Dolly took hold of Franklin at the elbow.  Franklin was uncomfortable in the silence.  He wanted to say something witty, but his mind felt numb.  He was relieved when Dolly began chattering aimlessly.
    “I am going to get a Synaptic implant next week” Dolly said, “I don’t know what that weird guy at the rally was complaining about, I think it’s cool.”
    “Have you connected to someone?  Using a Synapse Suit?”  Franklin asked.
    “What do you mean?” Dolly seemed confused.
    “Over the WetWeb ” Franklin explained, “When you have a Syn ap tic implant, then people will connect with you and control you remotely, have you ever controlled someone else?”
    “I don’t know about that” Dolly chattered on, “I just want someone else to take over my body when I am in physiology class.  I have to be there, but it is so boring.”
    Franklin found Dolly amusing.  He was happy to listen to her lilting voice enthusiastically describing the frivolous benefits of the Synaptic implant. 
    Unlike Dolly, Franklin had no interest in a Synaptic implant.  While guys like Doug and his cohort would be in high demand when they posted their strong young bodies to the WetWeb , Franklin had no interest in offering his oddly shaped body to remote manipulation.  He doubted anyone would Synap into control him, and if they did, he was uncomfortable intimacy implied by this arrangement.
    As they walked they both noticed that the warm night air was filled with an exotic scent; something tropical and sweet.
    Dolly interrupted her monologue to inquire about it.
    “What is that? It smells like flowers or something.”
    Franklin did not answer, and Dolly simply resume d her one sided discussion of

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