Werewolves of New York: Nathaniel

Werewolves of New York: Nathaniel by Faleena Hopkins

Book: Werewolves of New York: Nathaniel by Faleena Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faleena Hopkins
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growl. The way they described the body in the news. The policemen asking–”
    “About a wolf,” he interjected. “Right. Of course you would deduce from all that… What do you want to know? Now that I've told you my secret I'll answer any questions you have for me.”
    “My mind is a blank.”
    He stared at her. “I'm not surprised. Well let me just clear up a few things. My bite or scratch can't turn you into what I am. I don't only change during the full moon; I have full capacity to shift whenever I please. I was born this way, as were most of the others.”
    “Most?” she whispered.
    “For some of us, a very few, the change was brought on despite the fact that they were born from human parents, by very special circumstances. But that is delving deeper than I wish to go right now, into details that don’t apply to me. I assume you want to know about my situation and who I am?”
    He met her eyes and held them. She wondered if he could tell how awestruck she was.
    “You want me to show you? I’ve come this far. I want desperately to show you. It’s been all I’ve thought about for days.”
    It was her turn for eyebrows to rise. “It has?” On his affirming nod, she whispered, “Please show me.”
    He groaned and his head fell back a little. “You will be the very first human being to ever see this and live to tell about it.”
    What a way to put it! She stared at him, her heart thudding in her ears. “I’m honored.”
    He took a deep breath. “Just know that I’ve always been this. I have complete control in both forms. I will not hurt you.”
    “Okay,” she whispered, terrified and rapturously excited.
    He walked to the windows and closed all the blinds. When they had total privacy, he walked to center himself in front of her, ten feet away. He raised his hand in a calming gesture and held her eyes. Then his began to glow, the green becoming instantly paler and iridescent. He slipped off his blazer, and unbuttoned each button of his shirt while staring at her. He tossed them to the couch where they fell with a soft thump. Unzipping his slacks, he glanced her way and smiled. “This wasn’t the order I was expecting to do this in. I was thinking your dress was coming off first.”
    She smiled, speechless and nervous now for more reasons. She was about to see him naked and from his chest and the structure of those arms, she couldn’t wait. He kicked off his shoes and his slacks dropped to the floor around his feet. In black boxer briefs, he bent down to remove black dress socks, throwing her a self-conscious smile. “I’m really doing this.”
    “Looks like you are.”
    He grinned and shook his head. The smile disappeared as he kicked his socks and pants to the side and met her eyes. With one fluid motion, he slid his briefs down, kicking them away to stand naked before her. He was majestic. His body was beautiful and his cock called to her, standing at attention. But it was the look in his glowing eyes, the pride and regal strength there that undid her.
    Then without another word, he shifted. She heard the most amazing cracking sounds as his bones reformed so quickly it took her breath away. In the movies the change was always so dramatically painful but he didn’t look agonized at all. It was as if he blended the two forms, transported swiftly from one to the other until there he was, a wolf standing in her apartment gazing at her as if it belonged.
    It had dark fur the color of his hair. Its eyes shone beautifully in the low lamplight and she stepped forward in awe. It was larger, much larger, than any wolf she’d seen during road trips to ski up north. “Nathaniel, can you hear me?”
    The dark beast approached her, eyes free of danger. They were soft and watching for her reaction. It nodded.
    “Can I touch you?” Her hand drifted toward him and he stepped closer until all she had to do was lean down. She stroked his back slowly, bewildered that the man was now a wolf, the

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