Werewolves and Chocolate

Werewolves and Chocolate by Shauna Aura Knight

Book: Werewolves and Chocolate by Shauna Aura Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Aura Knight
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    Just under her skin, Ellie could feel the
seething heat of lust from her two werewolf lovers. Being mated to the two shifters
had its advantages, but when all three of them were pent up, their desire for
each other was sexual torture. She was human, but the metaphysics of the mating
bond meant that she felt a ghost of their emotions. Sometimes even a phantom
brush of physical sensations they were experiencing. Kyle and Jake had mated
her less than a year ago and she was still getting used to what she thought of
as the echo effect.
    For the past weeks she’d been busy at the
University lab analyzing information from the observation of thousands of stars
and galaxies. As she had transferred into the school and was the newest person
in the astrophysics program, she got one of the crappier data crunching jobs.
Not that she really minded; she’d just been thrilled to be able to return to
school to finish her degree. The shy geek she’d been before wouldn’t have
minded the long days at the lab at all.
    But, now that she had Jake and Kyle…the two
randy shifters ratcheted her libido up to an eleven. They hadn’t been together
in nearly two weeks because of their various work schedules. Between classes,
homework, and additional hours in the lab, Ellie typically got home, ate, and
dropped into an exhausted sleep. She realized she hadn’t gone a whole week
without sex since she’d mated Jake and Kyle the summer before.
    Finally, however, she had an actual weekend
off. She still had homework, but she didn’t have any major assignments due.
    Just thinking about the two of them, Ellie
had to bite back a groan. Her pussy was plump and ripe as she imagined Kyle
dipping his dark blond head down to kiss her, black-haired Jake nibbling at her
neck…Kyle’s defined muscles pressing against her front before he lifted her up
to slip inside her…Jake grinding against her from behind, his hand curving
around to tease at her nipples while Kyle took her harder.
    She thought about the last time all three of
them had been in bed together, their hands all over her, the veins and muscles
and the spirals of the tribal tattoos up their arms….
    “Hey, do you have the figures yet on cluster
    Ellie looked up at Ted and shook her head,
freeing her brown hair from the clip at her neck. “Sorry, my mind was in outer
    Ted laughed. “You and everyone here.”
    “I’ll have it for you in about fifteen
    “Take your time. I’m blowing out of here.”
    “Hot date?” she asked.
    Ted grinned. “My boyfriend has demanded I
leave the lab and join him for dinner and a movie. So yes.”
    “That’s awesome.”
    “Don’t stay too late. I bet those two men of
yours are dying to see you.”
    Ellie flushed to her neck. Ted was one of the
few people she could tell about Jake and Kyle. Neither she nor Ted were out
with most of the people in the program. While it was unlikely Ted would face
discrimination, he didn’t want to chance it. Neither did Ellie; she and Ted had
occasionally commiserated and wondered which one of them would face more
discrimination. He was male, but gay. She was female and heterosexual, but had
two boyfriends. Well, mates…but it wasn’t a word humans used. And they weren’t
her husbands, given she wasn’t married to either of them
    The two werewolves seemed to feel their
mutual biting and mating ritual had constituted a formal bond. However, Ellie couldn’t
think of herself as married to the both of them without some kind of formal
    She thought about a “traditional” wedding and
shuddered. The thought of inviting her family, Kyle’s family, and Jake’s family
was bad enough. In her case, she’d have to tell her mother that she wasn’t
going to invite her stepfather. And of course explaining to her mom she was
marrying two guys…the entire scenario was rife with disaster.
    Maybe they could just host a wedding with
friends at SpiralStone. Moira, the priestess

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