Werewolf Love Story

Werewolf Love Story by H. T. Night Page B

Book: Werewolf Love Story by H. T. Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. T. Night
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Margaret was apparently Mrs. Reign's first name.
    “It's ugly, Dan. And it's filthy,” This was obviously a daily argument they have. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute they were.
    “So Tommy what do you do? Are you in college?” Daniel asked as he packed himself a pipe.
    “Actually no. I'm a professional athlete.”
    Daniel eyes grew large. “An athlete? What kind?”
    “I’m a fighter.”
    “You mean like a Sugar Ray Leonard kind of fighter?”
    “Well, not exactly,” I said. “There's a new professional fighting sport called mixed martial arts.”
    “Oh, MMA,” Daniel said.  “Josiah and I watch that all the time. I just took him to a match a couple weeks ago at the Staple Center.”
    “He mentioned that to me.”
    “Wow, do you know any of those guys?” Daniel looked at me and his pipe seemed to be ready.
    I smiled and said, “I was one of those guys.”
    “You were? Which fight were you?” Daniel was as excited as I wish my own dad would be to find out this information.
    One of the hallway doors opened and Josiah came walking out.  “He was the first fight, dad.  You didn’t see it. You were too busy getting nachos.”
    Daniel looked at me and grinned, “I do love my nachos. Especially the ones at the arena!  It’s like the cheese is more heavenly.”
    I smiled because I could see where Josiah got his love for food from.  “I wouldn’t know. I havn’t had nachos since the third grade.” I looked over at Josiah and said, “What’s up, man?”
    Josiah came over to me and I stood up to shake his hand, but instead he gave me a bro hug like we been pals for years. Damn, I liked this kid.
    “Dad, Tommy is only 22 and he is already making a living in the sport,” Josiah was trying to convince his dad of something.
    “And that’s fine Josiah, you can do whatever you want after you at least try-out for the 2008 Olympic team. Son, you haven’t lost in 25 fights and the only reason why you lost your first one was because we didn’t know how to tighten your gloves right.” Daniel looked at me and laughed. “They kept slipping during the fight.  It threw up the poor kid’s rhythm off. He was only 12.”
    “Wow, you haven’t lost in 25 fights!  That’s amazing.” I looked over at Josiah and he seemed to care less that his dad was gushing over him.  He had no idea how lucky he was, how I would have given anything to hear my biological father talk about me that way.
    Suddenly, a hallway door opened and Maya walked out. She came walking down the hallway looking spectacular. She was wearing a white blouse with light blue jeans. She had done her hair up and it took everything I had to keep my jaw from hitting the floor.
    “Wow, you look great,” I said.
    “So do you,” Maya said back to me.
    Maya and I were locked into each other and as far as I was concerned there was no one else in the room.
    “So where are you two kids planning on going tonight?” Maya’s dad asked.
    “I was thinking about taking her over to Irvine.  There’s a spot called Irvine spectrum. There are a lot of shops and a giant movie Theater.”
    “Oh, that sounds like so much fun,” Maya’s mom said.
    Daniel looked at me and nodded his head. For the first time he gave me that ‘you better look out for my daughter look.’ I smiled and told them how wonderful it was to meet them.  Josiah seemed a bit jealous that he wasn’t invited but I knew he and I would hang out eventually.
    I walked over to the door and was still mesmerized by how great Maya looked.  I had a quick moment of clarity when I remembered I had something for Josiah. I decided to call Josiah over to me.
    “Hey Josiah, come here.” He walked over to me and I reached in my pocket and pulled out a card to the gym where I work out.
    “What’s this?” he asked.
    “Well. When your dad thinks you’re ready I’ll put in a good word at my gym and get you a membership.
    “Really?” Josiah looked at his dad for approval.
    “As long as

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