Werewolf Academy Book 2: Hunted

Werewolf Academy Book 2: Hunted by Cheree Alsop

Book: Werewolf Academy Book 2: Hunted by Cheree Alsop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheree Alsop
but already she spent more time with the girls in the pack and preferred their company to the adventures she and Alex used to have. Growing up was hard; he just hadn’t expected to handle everything on his own.
    “Tennison’s a good guy,” Alex admitted. “He deserves a break.”
    “As do you,” Nikki replied with a kind smile. William began to get fussy.
    “Can I hold him?” Alex asked.
    Surprised by Alex’s offer, Nikki nodded. “Of course.”
    Alex had held William a few times. When school wasn’t in session, Alex and Cassie had spent a lot of time with Nikki and Jaze. The two had pretty much taken over as their parents when the orphaned twins arrived at the Academy seven years ago. With William’s birth, Nikki had been much busier, but she always took time when the twins needed her, a fact for which Alex was grateful.
    She positioned the baby in his arms. William quieted immediately, staring up at Alex with wide blue eyes.
    “I think Jet would be happy you gave William his name,” Alex said, smiling down at the baby. “I used to wish it was my name, too.”
    “You did?” Nikki said. “I didn’t know that.”
    Alex met her gaze, forcing his tone to be happy when he said, “I can’t think of anyone more deserving of it than the son of my brother’s best friend. He would be honored.”
    “I hope so,” Nikki replied; sadness filled her gaze.
    “He would,” Alex told her with confidence.
    She nodded. “I’m glad. I think William has big shoes to fill.”
    “We all do,” Alex said, but the melancholy didn’t come. With Nikki, he couldn’t be sad. She knew what the twins had gone through, and had been there for him when night terrors kept him up during their first year at the Academy. She had never been upset when he woke her up crying; she used to read him stories or sing him songs to help his mind calm down and to chase away the memories.
    Sitting with her in their quarters felt like that again. She always had a kind smile or the right things to say to help him feel better. With Nikki, he always knew she believed in him. It wasn’t so much in what she said, but in the way she looked at him and Cassie. She loved them; that much had always been obvious. Even though they had been orphans when they came to the Academy, she made them feel like they had a home.
    “Thank you for all that you’ve done for Cassie and me,” Alex said.
    Nikki gave a surprised smile. “Thank you for being such a wonderful boy,” she replied.
    Baby William’s fingers found his shirt. He smiled as the baby watched him with clear blue eyes.

Chapter Ten
    “Welcome to this year’s full moon games!” Dean Jaze announced to the anxious students gathered in the courtyard. He glanced at the sun setting below the trees. “As you all know, the moon isn’t too far away.”
    Chuckles sounded through the crowd. No t only had the professors let the students out early again for restlessness, they had promised to join the students at the games this year as their own pack. Alex exchanged a smile with Professor Grace. Kaynan stood next to her already in his red wolf form, allowing her to see. She looked as excited to participate in the games as the rest of them.
    “This year’s games will be hosted by Professor Thorson, the only other human here besides my wife who is with our baby boy tonight and w ill be unable to join us.” Jaze nodded at Professor Thorson who stood near the doors. “Thank you for your bravery in putting up with us.”
    The professor hefted a handful of medals on ribbons that chinked together from the movement. A breeze sent his wispy white hair waving. “If any of you act up, you won’t be earning one of these,” he said sternly. His usual smile broke through his attempt at a stern demeanor. “I’ll probably just lock the doors and leave you all out here running amuck.”
    Jaze laughed and the students echoed the laughter. “That really will cause trouble.” The dean smiled down at them, his

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