WereCat Fever

WereCat Fever by Eliza March

Book: WereCat Fever by Eliza March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza March
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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the full moon issue approaching, you’ll need us.”
    “I guess… If what you claim is true, I don’t want to face the fever alone.” Lacey paused as if considering what more she could add to her statement, then with a noncommittal expression said, “After all, you are here to help me.”
    “Right. It’ll be easier if we’re with you,” Hunter said with a wink to put her at ease. “It’ll work out better for all of us. The horses will need a place to run and so will we.”
    Bryan stood and cleared his voice. He put both hands on Lacey’s shoulders, forcing her to look at him. “Thank you, Lacey. I’m so sorry for… Hell, for screwing up your life and… And I swear I’ll make it up to you.”
    Hunter could tell by the hitch in Bryan’s voice and the soulful expression in his eyes he meant every word of his apology…and Hunter agreed. He was sorry too for what they were going to face.
    “I know,” she said. “I don’t blame you for infecting me. You didn’t even know what you were, let alone understand the consequences of our actions.”
    And based on Bryan’s reaction, Hunter was certain she had to know he never would have risked her life.
    “I’m also sure when they discover who is to blame for my father’s death, the blame won’t be placed at your feet.”
    A commitment for more seemed premature, despite how her insides ached for Bryan’s touch. “You find out who killed my father, and we’ll call it even.”
    “Things were about to change drastically anyway without this complication.” Hunter seemed determined to explain.
    “What?” Lacey turned to Bryan then to Hunter. “What does that mean?”
    Bryan stood in front of her. “I came back to tell you as soon as I found out about your fevers. I was going to tell you after Hunter demonstrated and…well, before I lost control.”
    “You want the bad news now or later?” Hunter asked tentatively.
    “There’s more?” Lacey asked. “Worse?”
    “Well, it depends on whose viewpoint you’re in.” Hunter broadened his grin.
    “No. Don’t tell me. I don’t think I could stand anything else.”
    “Don’t worry. What Bryan’s stuttering around is that we came here to help you through your transition.”
    “Wha–at transition?” Their words worried her, but she refused to panic.
    “You’ve been feeling different lately. Hotter. Skin crawling, fevers, blackouts, aching all over?”
    No, she wasn’t giving in, not accepting everything they said without thinking the situation through. But deep in her heart, she understood that not admitting the symptoms Hunter described—the ones that were exactly what she’d been experiencing—wasn’t going to make them go away.
    Bryan touched her cheek. The gesture was both familiar and devastating.
    “It’s going to happen, whether you want it to or not. We can help you through this. God, Lacey, I don’t want you to go through this first time alone.”
    “What’s going to happen? I thought I was infected with the fever, like you?” Adrenaline pumped through her. Like him? Her heart rate picked up and so did her fear. What they weren’t telling her scared her more than what they were saying. “Maybe someone should explain what this all means, and then we can work on a plan to fix it.”
    “There’s no fixing it, Lacey. If I’d known what I was doing to you that last time…” He shook his head. “I won’t lie to you. I don’t know if I’d have done anything differently. But I’m sorry for what this means to your life. You’ve already lost so much.”
    “The past is behind us,” she said.
    “Yeah, we have to focus on the future,” Hunter said.
    “Charming as this little reunion has been, Bryan, I’m not ready to give up my research and my ranch to play house kitty to two mountain lions.”
    Bryan looked grim while Hunter maintained his good humor. “You won’t mind if we try to change your mind, will you?”
    Lacey ignored the question and gave the two

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