Wellies and Westies

Wellies and Westies by Cressida McLaughlin

Book: Wellies and Westies by Cressida McLaughlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cressida McLaughlin
of your dress. It’s exquisite, and wouldn’t be enhanced by dog hairs, or fewer beautiful beads.’
    ‘No,’ Cat sighed. She kissed the top of Valentino’s head and stood up. ‘I’m going to get another drink. Does anyone want one?’ Elsie and Polly nodded and Cat sought out one of the waistcoat-clad waiters. She spotted Joe across the room, talking to a woman wearing a leopard-print dress. She was touching him constantly, his arm, his shoulder, but Joe looked relaxed, laughing at what she was saying, one hand in his pocket. Cat felt a shiver of surprise, and resisted the urge to interrupt them. How had he managed to do that? He was a hermit, a wallower by his own admission, though it was true that, this evening, he looked every inch the eligible bachelor.

    Cat turned to the waiter. ‘Could I take three of these for my friends, please?’
    ‘Of course.’
    Cat carefully lifted the glasses, balancing them in her fingers.
    ‘Not that bad a party, is it?’
    ‘What, I – no, they’re – oh, hello.’ She grinned, because it was the only thing that her brain could manage when faced with Mark, stylish and dangerous-looking in a Tom Ford black suit and black shirt, his dark hair impossibly shiny.
    ‘Great dress.’
    ‘T-thank you,’ she managed. ‘I’ll just take these…’ Suddenly Polly was alongside her, prising two of the glasses out of her hands. Cat gave Polly a look and tried to tilt her head imperceptibly towards Mark. Polly returned her look, knowingly, and turned to introduce herself.
    ‘Hello, I’m Polly. You must be Mark.’
    ‘Why must I?’
    Polly did a goldfish impression. ‘S-sorry?’
    ‘How do you know I’m Mark? I haven’t met you before, have I?’
    Polly turned her goldfish from Mark to Cat and back again.
    Cat closed her eyes. ‘I may have mentioned the squirrel incident to Polly. Polly, meet Mark. Mark, this is Polly – friend and housemate, and the other half of Pooch Promenade.’
    ‘Though I haven’t really done anything yet,’ Polly added.
    ‘Lovely to meet you,’ he said. ‘I’m flattered that Cat described me well enough for you to recognize me.’
    ‘I told her you were tall, dark and over-confident.’

    Mark tipped his head on one side, considering, then nodded his approval. ‘Sounds about right. Good party so far?’
    ‘Seems so. Jessica doesn’t do things by halves, does she?’ Cat couldn’t help it. Every time she was faced with Mark, her resolve went out of the window. Her subconscious seemed intent on discovering his relationship status.
    ‘Seems not.’ He perused the room, then gave them a quick smile. ‘There’s someone I need to talk to – I’ll catch up with you later.’
    ‘Oooh,’ Polly said as soon as he was out of earshot, ‘he’s a bit of alright.’
    ‘Did you see how smug his chin was?’
    Polly laughed. ‘He’s not unsure of himself. But I can see why you were intrigued – it can’t be every day that you’re approached by a man who’s quite so…arresting. Why don’t you just ask him? Ask him if he’s with Jessica, or someone else, or if he’s single?’
    ‘But you’ve seen what he’s like – he wouldn’t let me live it down if I asked him out and he turned out to be with Jessica, or married, or gay.’
    ‘Not over something like that, surely. He must have emotions just like everyone else. And if he’s going to be that cruel, then he’s not worth it anyway.’
    ‘I just…’ Cat sighed. ‘I can’t do anything unless I know that he’s not with Jessica. She’s already a client, he lives five doors away – it would be too awkward. Like you said, Pol, I have to put my business first.’
    ‘If I were you I’d try and make room for him as well.’
    It was so unlike Polly that it shocked Cat into laughter. ‘You’re mad!’
    ‘I’m coming round to your way of thinking,’ she said. ‘Find out if he’s with Jessica and then, if not, go for it. Honestly, Cat, I can’t remember the last time I saw someone

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