Welcome to Your Brain
    design as one could ever hope to find in nature.
    Taste works the same way, except that flavor receptors are in your tongue. Taste is simpler since
    there are only five basic flavors: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami. (What’s umami, you say? It’s
    the savory taste that’s found in cooked meat or mushrooms or in the food additive monosodium
    glutamate, MSG. There’s no word for it in English, which is why we use the Japanese term.) Each of
    these basic tastes has at least one receptor, sometimes more. Bitterness, for instance, is sensed by
    dozens of receptors. As animals evolved, they needed to detect toxic chemicals in their environments.
    Because toxic compounds came in many forms, it was necessary to have receptors that could detect
    all of them. This is why we have a natural repulsion to bitter flavors. This distaste can be overridden
    by experience; look at all the lovers of tonic water and coffee.
    Why do we call spicy foods hot? The chemical that gives chili and hot sauce their zest is
    capsaicin. Your body also uses capsaicin receptors to detect warm temperatures. This is why you
    sweat when you eat spicy food—the receptors have what you might call a “hotline” into your brain to
    trigger responses to cool you off. You have capsaicin receptors not only in your tongue, but all over
    your body. One way to discover this is by cooking with hot peppers and then putting in your contact
    lenses. Ouch!
    Did you know? Why mice don’t like Diet Coke
    The ingredient that makes Diet Coke sweet is aspartame (NutraSweet). It works by
    binding to sweet receptors in your tongue. In humans, the sweet receptor binds not only to
    sugar, but also aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose (Splenda). In mice, sweet receptors
    bind to sugar and saccharin, but not aspartame. They don’t prefer water with NutraSweet to
    plain water, suggesting that to a mouse, Diet Coke wouldn’t taste sweet. (It’s a similar story
    for ants, which are not attracted by diet soda.)
    Scientists have used genetic technology to replace the mouse’s sweet receptor with the
    human sweet receptor. These transgenic mice like aspartame—and presumably Diet Coke.
    This proves that they use the same brain pathways to taste sweet things as we do, just with
    different receptors.
    If you have pets, there’s an experiment you can do at home. See how they like different
    kinds of sweet beverages—juice, sugared soda, and diet soda. Put out one dish of each and
    see what your pet goes for. You might be surprised at the results!
    Minty foods taste cool for a similar reason. A receptor has recently been identified that binds to
    menthol. Plants may make menthol for the same reason that they make capsaicin—to make themselves
    taste bad to animals.
    Smells and tastes often have strong emotional associations: your grandmother’s apple pie, burning
    leaves, your lover’s shirt, fresh coffee in the morning. Smells can also have negative associations. On
    September 11, 2001, and in the days after, Manhattan was permeated by a bitter, acrid smell that
    nobody who was there can ever forget. Some smells may be negative for some and positive for
    others. (Think of Kilgore’s favorite smell in Apocalypse Now : “I love the smell of napalm in the
    morning … the whole hill smelled like victory.”) These associations may occur because olfactory
    information has a direct connection into your limbic system, brain structures that mediate emotional
    responses. These structures are able to learn, raising the possibility that they allow you to associate
    smells with pleasurable or dangerous events.
    Chapter 9
    Touching All the Bases: Your Skin’s Senses
    Pickpockets may not spend a lot of time talking about how the brain works, but their profession does
    require some practical knowledge of the subject. A common technique involves two partners in
    crime. One thief bumps into the victim on one side, to distract him from the other thief’s hand

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