Axl slapped her ass even harder.
“Harder,” she said, both hands on his chest as she rose and fell on his shaft.
“Uh huh!”
Axl spanked her ass as hard as he dared, his hands leaving red prints on her ass as he wore her ass out. She bit her lower lip and sobbed, the pleasure overwhelming her as she came again. He grabbed her hair, pulling it hard as he joined her in orgasm, his cock exploding inside of her and filling the condom with his cum.
“Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkkk!” he howled, not caring if the entire desert heard him.
Rosita collapsed on top of him, and the two of them tried to catch their breath. They had both relieved much pent up stress from the day and were trying to come down from the high.
“It had been too long for me, fuck,” Axl said.
“Si, for me too,” Rosita said.
Axl leaned up and saw that Trista and Geoff must have finished up and gone to sleep.
“Thank you,” Rosita said.
“For what?” Axl asked.
“For everything,” she said, planting a light kiss onto his lips. He grabbed her head and kissed her deeply, their lips mashed together as their tongues touched.
“Thank you ,” Axl said.
The next morning Axl and Rosita drove into town early before Trista and Geoff woke to shower and to see if any new information was available. It wasn't, so they drove back to the campsite to find Trista and Geoff awake by the fire.
“Any news?” Trista asked.
“No, not yet. But Mark thinks we'll see Esteban soon,” Axl answered.
“What are we going to do today? It's going to get hot as hell soon,” Geoff said, taking a bite from a granola bar Axl had supplied him.
“We can drive around some, the A/C in the Bronco should keep us cool. If we're lucky, we won't have long to wait.”
Trista kept staring at Axl, and every time he'd turn to her she'd look away. She had heard him and Rosita last night, and from the sound of things Axl was her kind of man. Trista admonished herself mentally for being a slut and tried to think of other things.
“Can we shower, too?” Trista asked.
Axl nodded. They packed up the tent and sleeping bags, and then the group finished eating a light breakfast of pre-packaged foods and water before Axl drove them into town.
“Listen, be quick, we don't have time to dawdle. I'd rather not be here when Esteban arrives,” Axl said.
They nodded and hurried back behind the bar. Axl and Rosita hadn't spoken about last night yet, and the two were sitting in the truck alone with the elephant in the room.
“What was last night?” Rosita finally asked.
“What do you mean?” Axl said, cleaning his sunglasses before putting them back on.
“I mean, what was it?”
Axl looked at her, then looked outside. “It is what it is.”
Rosita nodded.
Axl was trying to think of something else to add when he saw dust in the background. Someone was driving into town, but the air was so hazy he couldn't tell who or what it was.
“Shit, we've got to move,” Axl said, starting the car up and pulling behind the bar. He
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