Web of Lies

Web of Lies by Candice Owen

Book: Web of Lies by Candice Owen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candice Owen
there was some pre-cum on his jeans, as well; but, he was still rock hard when he let her slide down his legs.
    “You want to tangle with me?  I’m here.  I’ll always be here, even when I’m not around.  And I’ll always want you.  So, don’t dismiss me like I’m some boy you can flick off!”
    Despite the air still not quite reaching her lungs, Faith felt anger rise up inside her at his words. 
    “What gives you the right to treat me like some girl you can flick off, then, huh?  My body is mine to give to whomever I choose, and I haven’t chosen you!”
    The lie enraged him, and she knew she might just have gone a smidge too far when he tore the gown and her panties off her and shoved her hard up against the door.
    “Is that the game you want to play?  Huh, baby girl?  You want to beg for me?  That makes you wet, does it?  The thought of me making you ache so much you need to beg me to take you?”  He held her away from his body as he spoke. His hands remained on her arms, and his eyes bore into hers. His face was set in harsh lines, as he said,  “All right.  I can do that for you.  Turn around!”
    Faith did as she was bid, too scared of the passion she had unleashed now to do anything else.  Somehow she knew he would not hurt her, but she knew she would not come again unless she begged him to let her come.  He would let her choose, as she had demanded a moment ago.  She swallowed, as she felt his hips push up against her, pressing her into the wood.  He took her hand and forced it between her closed legs, right over the hard bundle of nerves that would send her shooting off into space.  However, he wouldn’t let her move her hips or her fingers. 
    She moaned, as the pressure built inside her.  He ignored her, rubbing his fingers against her nipples, slowly and patiently.  He felt her body tense, as he stroked his tongue up one side of her neck and down the other.  He cupped her breasts and squeezed, wringing another moan from her.  He pressed his erection against her, raising and lowering his big body so it rode between the cheeks of her ass. 
    The impact pushed her into the door, her hand into her mound, and her middle finger onto her clitoris.  The climax began to build, and she knew she would reach it if she could hold out, if she could just move against him, if she could just...
    Jack slid his own hand over hers.  His middle finger topped hers, holding it still as he dry humped the space between her ass cheeks.  She could feel everything he was doing to her― his tongue on her earlobes, his mouth on her neck, his teeth on her shoulder blades, his hand on her breast, his cock at her back end.  The fire was burning her.  With his finger over hers, he was driving her wild with the need to roll her hips and take what she wanted.
    When she thought she would die from the teasing, he whipped her around to face him and sucked her tongue into his mouth, still pressing her against the door.  His cock was now firmly planted over her clitoris because he had pulled her in and spread her legs just enough for her to feel him. 
    Still, he would not let her move.  He only kissed her and kissed her until she was breathless, aching, and ready to give him her unborn child for the orgasm he kept just out of her reach.
    “Jack, please...”  Faith’s voice was rough with need.
    “Please what?” 
    His own was just as harsh, and when he looked into her eyes, she saw the need he had for her.  It was clear that it matched her own.  However, she had said her body was hers to give to whomever she chose, and he was not going to give her anything she did not choose. 
    “Please. Please fuck me.  I need you!”  She did not hide her desire from him but held his gaze.  “Please!”
    “Are you sure?  Are you choosing me?” 
    His question reminded her of her earlier words, and she knew she had hurt him.  So, now they

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