Watching You: KJ Elite Inc.

Watching You: KJ Elite Inc. by Unknown

Book: Watching You: KJ Elite Inc. by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
to a lady.”
    “The fuck if you’re a lady.”
    “You know I am. Wipe that stupid grin off your big stupid face” I rebuked, about turned red and slammed my barely there flip flop down onto his boot. It never failed.
    “Oof.” He simply laughed and had the most mischievous sparkle in his eye. “Oh my God, this is too perfect. I must be dreaming. Oh sweet Annie, welcome to payback for telling Kelly Sampson I had a rare, incurable, contagious African disease just before prom.”
    “You wouldn’t!” I protested, my eyes about to pop out of my head. I tried desperately to hold onto my last bit of strength before I surrendered to my female inclination to cry. “Everyone is gonna be mighty damn happy to see your face, Annie.”
    He almost sang my nickname.
    I looked up at him and if looks could kill, he would have fallen to the ground dead, because I was trying to choke him through sheer willpower.
    He was hamming it up and I knew he was playing, but I wasn’t exactly in a playful mood. Stuck in a home with the only man who could make my blood boil from utter passion and euphoric, orgasmic pleasure. Seventh fucking heaven and it had been nearly six years since one word was spoken between us. The man I am bound to by God, love, lust, vows and pure fate. No, I wasn’t exactly in the mood to shoot the shit.
    “Shut up, No-ellah.” I bit out at him.  
    Tommy sucked in a breath, suppressing his urge to laugh out loud and Noah looked back at me glowering menacingly.
    “Yeah, I bet you missed that.” I smirked, pleased to have touched a nerve. Maybe now he’d step off.  He was supposed to have been my bodyguard? “You’re horrible at being professional.” I said, trying my damnedest to be mean.
    “Pfft. You are family, fuck professionalism.” His hand went flying, brushing away my comment.
    “Do the ladies of Devine allow you to talk to them like that?”
    “You’ve got a more colorful vocabulary than I do and have said much worse words than I have. I don’t even want to hear it from you, Annie Oakley.” He poked.
    “Maybe I’ve changed.”
    “And I grew a vagina and triple d breasts.” He snorted then changed course, “So why shouldn’t I say anything to anyone about your being here”
    “Besides the stalker? Just keep it to yourself.” Tommy answered.
    Oh, so he speaks.
    “And the family? They’d love to know you’re here and I’m sure your mama could use the support.”
    “Because we don’t want them to know yet and you’re my fuckin’ brother that’s why.”
    “Exactly why I would spill the peas.” Noah pointed.
    “Beans.” I corrected, quietly.
    “What?” They asked in unison, confused. 
    “It’s, ‘spill the beans’, not peas.”
    They both looked at my rather small figure compared to their six foot plus, looming bodies, then brushed me off. Again. I’m sensing a theme here.
    “You certainly know how to keep secrets.” Tommy accused.
    “Yes, but at a price. I’d hate to blackmail sweet ole’ Taylor here. Especially with everything she’s got going on.” Liar. He’d blackmail me if he found a benefit to it, no matter my situation. That’s how family operates.
    “Please just do it because I am asking you to, No.”
    I put my hand on Noah’s shoulder and he grabbed it, pausing only to stare into my face, lovingly.
    “Damn girl. You know I’d stop the world for you.” He kissed my hand and squeezed it.
    “Thank you.”
    I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster and was rewarded with a zap of electricity when Tommy reached his hand over and pulled our hands apart, dropping mine and pushing Noah’s back down. That was apparently all the emotion he had left.
    “So y'all go ahead and get set up tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll take you to town if you need or to go see the family. Whatever. I’ll wait to let them know you’re here so you can tell them when you’re ready. And in case I forgot to mention it, you look suh-mokin-hot Tay.”
    I kissed

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