Watch Me Walk Away

Watch Me Walk Away by Jill Prand Page B

Book: Watch Me Walk Away by Jill Prand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Prand
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bed. What am I going to say to him? I look at the necklace in my hand. It’s too much too soon. I should have left it wrapped and opened it with him when I knew that I could give him my trust and my heart. My hand is shaking making the necklace bob. The sapphire catches the light and I can see the integral facets. So many different angles and it reminds me that everything is so complicated right now. I am still officially with Stuart. I don’t plan on breaking up with him until after Saturday. As if he can feel me thinking about him my phone rings and I see Stuart’s picture pop up. I answer it. “Hi.”
    “How was your day? You must have been busy. You didn’t even answer my email.”
    “I’m sorry. I had a small accident on the way to work and it threw me off the rest of the day.”
    “What happened?” He is concerned. “Why didn’t you call me?”
    “It’s not a big deal. I just broke a heel running up the stairs on the subway and twisted my ankle.” I don’t tell him that I was pushed. I just make light of the whole thing. “I’ve been limping around all day and when I did sit at my desk I was just resting it. I left early so I could get home and just lay down with it propped up.”
    “You should wrap and ice it. And you shouldn’t take the train tomorrow it’s too much walking. You should drive your car in tomorrow.” I can’t stand him being this nice to me. I am going to break up with him and he is going to be pissed.
    “I found a ride in for tomorrow so you don’t have to worry. Can I call you later? Jodi is making dinner and it should be ready in a few minutes,” I lie.
    “Yes, but you will call right? You have a habit of saying you’re going to call and then you don’t.” I wonder if he feels me pulling away.
    “I promise to call before I go to bed.” Maybe.
    “Alright then I will talk to you later. Make sure you keep that ankle up.” This is killing me.
    “Bye,” I hang up before he can say anything else. I am such a bitch! I should just break up with him now but I can’t do it on the phone. Ugh when did my life become so fucked up!
    I put my phone down so I can put the necklace back in its box. I almost have it in when my phone rings again. This time it’s Bobby. Deep breath….
    “Hey, handsome,” I answer like I did when we were in high school.
    “Hey, beautiful. Where were you?” he sounds anxious.
    “Stuart called me and I couldn’t get him off the phone. He was concerned about my ankle.” I hear him sigh.
    “When did you say you were breaking up with him?” he is tense I can hear it.
    “After the fundraiser on Saturday. I’m not planning on seeing him until then so that will be the first time I will get the chance,” not really true. If I wanted to I could see him after work one day this week and do it then but it is just easier this way.
    “Well I hope you won’t be staying with him on Saturday. You could come back to my place. Sleep in the guest room. Then I can take you home in the morning or we could spend the day out on my boat.” He sounds hopeful.
    “Let’s just play it by ear.” I change the subject. “Thank you for the care package in the car.”
    “This discussion is not over but I will let it slide for now. You are welcome. I assume you read the letter and opened the gift as well?” he is almost hesitant about asking.
    “Yes I read your letter and the necklace is beautiful. I’m not ready to wear it yet though,” I cringe as I say it.
    “I understand that. I just want you to have it so when you’re ready you can put it on.”
    “When I’m ready you can put it on me.” I say to him. I hear his breath catch.
    “I would like that. I didn’t think you would ever see it. It’s been sitting in my drawer staring up at me for so long I had almost given up hope.” He sighs.
    “We’ve wasted a lot of time being apart. Totally your fault you know.” I give him a little laugh.
    “You’re never going to let that go are you?” he

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