Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4)

Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4) by Laurinda Wallace

Book: Washed Up (A Gracie Andersen Mystery Book 4) by Laurinda Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurinda Wallace
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car around. Hank’s quick disappearance might mean he took the first road off Ash Canyon, which was Twin Oaks, and that led to Our Lady of the Sierras Chapel. The road crossed a major wash and then wound up the mountain to the huge statue of the Virgin Mary and a Celtic cross that overlooked the San Pedro Valley. He’d visited the place once at Amanda’s suggestion. The view was incredible, but the sense of peace at the chapel had been the main attraction on that visit.
    Entering the parking area for the chapel, Marc easily spotted Hank’s pickup. The gate was closed to the upper parking. Maybe Hank was going to pray. Probably a good idea for him, Marc reckoned. Even if Marc’s gut feeling was wrong about Hank’s involvement in the current case, he was most likely working to outfit cars with hidden compartments to transport drugs. That meant another opportunity to get into deep trouble with the law.
    However, the sign indicated the chapel was closed. Hank was nowhere to be seen.
    Marc parked the car on the far side of the area next to a retaining wall, well away from Hank’s truck.
    He scanned the steps for any sign of Hank. He began the ascent to the chapel, climbing the stone stairway. He flicked on a small flashlight. The air was cool tonight, a relief from the afternoon’s humidity. He counted off the cast bronze plaques that numbered the Stations of the Cross, grabbing the railing at one point. The path was awfully steep. A scuffling sound drew his attention to the immense brown cross towering over the Virgin Mary. He turned off the flashlight, treading carefully.
    Agents Galvez and Miller pored over the old map in Amanda’s office, while Gracie and Amanda cooled their heels in the reading area of the main house.
    “I saw the cave marked plain as day on that map,” Amanda said. “Those boys knew about it, all right.”
    “Were they hauling valuables out of there, and Manny stumbled across them?” Gracie conjectured.
    “Maybe he took Ricky hiking up to the cave, and they had a run-in with Dumb and Dumber. Ricky may have taken off. I’d be scared too if I’d seen a murder.”
    “They may not be as dumb as you think if they’ve located long lost artifacts that they can sell. And then if they’re into drugs too.” Gracie paused. “A lot of money is out there to be made.”
    Amanda snorted. “If that’s what happened, why didn’t Ricky go to the police? He took off with a friend and then left him hurt in a canyon. You can’t ever tell with kids. They run from where they’d be safe.”
    The agents reappeared, grim looks on their faces.
    “Mrs. Littlefield, would you mind if we used your office in the morning to re-interview everyone on the trail maintenance crew?” Agent Miller asked.
    “Sure … I guess that’s fine. Why do we need more interviewing? Really, this is too much. We’ve told you everything we know.”
    “That might not be true, ma’am. As you recall, you were reluctant to tell us everything only this afternoon,” Agent Miller replied with the slightest touch of sarcasm.
    “Okay. Anything to help catch Manny’s killer.” Amanda crossed her arms, a defiant look on her face.
    “Thank you.” Agent Galvez refolded the worn paper.
    “What about the map?” Amanda demanded.
    “Consider it evidence, Mrs. Littlefield. Goodnight.”
    A low moan caught Marc’s attention. It came from somewhere in the rocks around the huge cross. Hewn rock stairs wound everywhere, and a waterfall splashed on the southern side.
    “I gotcha. Come on. We have to make it back to the truck,” a voice urged. More shuffling around came from behind the cross.
    “I don’t think I can …” a young male voice gasped.
    Two male forms moved slowly down the steps to the front of the cross. Marc rested his hand on the grip of his pistol. He backed into the shelter of the Virgin’s statue, watching the pair descend to the main walkway. The security lights of the chapel afforded enough light to

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