Warrior: The Elect, Book 3

Warrior: The Elect, Book 3 by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Warrior: The Elect, Book 3 by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
what had happened with Stine’s guards but how they got there so quick, and she wasn’t sure yet. She shook her head.
    “Gimme a minute,” she said, soft, considering.
    Brax, Mason, Martin and Toler were waiting when they entered. She looked at the two newcomers.
    “You worked his security during the day. Where else did he go?”
    Toler shrugged. “The hospital. Restaurants.”
    Martin looked less convinced, though.
    “What is it?” Jamie asked.
    Before he answered, Martin glanced at his lieutenant, who nodded to speak. There was no way to ignore how much that bothered Brax and Carter. “There were a few times Stine went somewhere with his private detail and there was no itinerary left behind.”
    “What do you think?” Brax asked Jamie. She was surprised when he asked her, but she thought she’d earned her place here.
    “I’m not sure what to think yet,” she said. “Stine seems to think we plan to take over. Breed humans…out of existence, I guess. Do you have models that show that?”
    Brax shook his head. “Zach has many models. Some show us outpacing humans in a hundred years and some in a hundred thousand years. We certainly don’t have a plan to do it on purpose.”
    “But for some reason, they think you do. They have someone. Someone not at Stirling who likely has been tortured into making up whatever he has to to survive,” she said. It was speculation, but she was sure it was true. “Did Mason get the trackers in place?”
    “Yes,” Brax replied, finally sounding satisfied. “We’ll find them, we’ll take them out—and if they are holding one of ours? We’ll get them free. Personally I think that’s all the wild imaginings of a crazy old man.”
    Maybe. Or maybe not. She shrugged. “Either way, it’s time to get aggressive and start thinking about exposure.”
    Brax nodded sharply. “And we will. I expect you in on those meetings.”
    “And you’ll be working with Mason. I want you to see if you can find holes in our compound security,” Brax continued.
    “No problem.”
    He smiled. “You have a couple hours. The rest of the family is in Merilee’s suite having dinner. You should join them.”
    “Thanks,” Carter said. He took her hand and tugged her out, up the stairs, but he didn’t turn for his mother’s suite.
    As soon as their door shut behind them, he had her pressed up against him. “What do you really think?” he asked her.
    “It’s hard to think with you warm and plastered to me?” she asked, teasing.
    He chuckled. “Seriously.”
    The question might be, but his hands were working on her clothes.
    “I think there’s a bunch of well-funded, well-educated SOBs that have a total misread on a situation. And that doesn’t matter, because it makes us all a target. We can’t hide.”
    “You might be right,” he murmured, but his response was lost.
    He had her shirt and bra gone, and then his tongue was flicking over her nipple. She found the strength to shove him away. He gave her half a foot.
    “This isn’t over, Carter.”
    “No,” he agreed, shaking his head.
    “I won’t back out.”
    “I know, sweetheart.” His hand lay flat over her stomach. “Not for Kaden or our daughter.”
    She was stunned. Daughter? She couldn’t be pregnant now—with so much still in question. But life didn’t work that way, did it? Life went on.
    “Protector. Guardian. Warrior,” Carter whispered against her skin. “What will our daughter be?”
    Jamie knew it didn’t matter. The child would be what she was and would be loved unconditionally.
    And that was more than enough.

Look for these titles by Loribelle Hunt
    Now Available:
    Forbidden Passions
    Passions Recalled
    Renegade Passions
    The Elect
    Print Anthologies
    Forbidden Passions

A second chance born in fire…
    © 2012 Loribelle Hunt
    The Elect, Book 2
    Mallory Littman is the only human born child in an Elect family, but she’s far from normal.

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